Hash and Oil Picture Thread

"Butane is organic? Awesome, post a video of you huffing a can of it down like cheez whiz.

I'll wait.

Of course I expect nothing short of this from a guy who soaks his herb in rubbing alcohol."
"So since it's organic, you're willing to drink a glass of iso/butane? Shouldn't be a big deal right?

Organic brah'. Just like that razor blade.. everyone knows herb and razor blades go hand in hand. Oh wait."

"when you take organic, nature grown resin and subject it to butane, or any type of solvent that makes it 'not natural' you might as well forget calling it anything near the 'essence' of anything."

sooooooo ^^^^^^^^^
like I said, butane is organic, water inorganic. besides perceived cleanliness it's irrelevant

I know you oil guys don't
like science and facts..

that's still cracking me up...you sure made yourself look real intelligent
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Well , huh... Uh....?

Good Morning Hash & Oil lovers, producers and consumers.

N-butane is Organic, it's a natural gas that exists in the atmosphere we breath everyday.

It's the concentrate
Section guys.

With each process, they have their pros & cons just like everything else in life.

Different folks, different stokes...

In our case...
Different tokes. :)
When made properly, all extracts should embody
*The essence of cannabis*

Each has a special place in my heart for different reasons.

I love all forms of concentrates.
And each can be nasty and harmful if done incorrectly.

All this is contingent upon the one extracting the material.

Passion dictates the essence, essence is sourced from passion.....

You both are passionate about what you do ...

In conclusion, all the extracts should smell and taste exactly like the flower/plant from which it came...
The only difference being methods in which they are extracted.

And each extract should hold it's own unique character.

Learning to appreciate each one for what it provides, is important to know what one likes best.

I like all equally including the flower itself.

Man, I know you are very passionate about your sift, and you have every right to be.

The fact is that for really good sieve, yields are horrendous.

Those 98-99.9% of pure heads...

Anything lower than that, kinda tastes like ass unless pressed.

I am requesting a gram of DSW's Sift and a gram of QK's Qwiso.

Then I'll decide which is better.

I'm betting they will score equally

@Concentrator you should have put this here too, i thought it was cool...

and lol at the arguments about 'hash superiority'
in the immortal words of MC Hammer...
Its all good!
Twitch please give us a chemical breakdown of what happens to resin when soaked in ISO. Give us hydrocarbon chains and what exactly is being altered and why.

Since you claim to know a bit about this, i'll expect a legit answer with written out equations.
Twitch is not the resident chemistry whiz.....qwizoking is. Listen no doubt your dry sift is great maybe even the 'best' dryseive out there but at 60-75% thc ill still take oil any day. I like variety. Why bash other extracts?
If you think thc% is the only thing that matters then I don't know what to tell you.

I'll hope qwisoking chimes in... thanks.
Thc% isnt the only thing hence the statement "i like variety". i personally prefer smoking oil or leaf and eating any type of hash....until marijuana is federally legal and some real unbiased testing is done no one can say what type of marijuana ingestion is best until then its all personal preference . So once again why bash?
Smoking is the least effective way, just the most preferred. I can't eat it.

I'm not bashing, i'm simply saying that the true essence of the cannabis plant is being up close and personal with fresh, untouched resin full of terpenes. Once you take those and introduce any type of chemical to it, to me** that's ruining it.
Smoking is the least effective way, just the most preferred. I can't eat it.

you sir have just made the list, how the hell else am i going to get the oil in my body and as you already state eating does not work for everyone, you going to start mainlining?
please tell me what is the most effective way to ingest cannabis?

the list

all of them talk chemistry but when confronted by GW or QK what they say falls apart faster then a house wife with 6 kids and no xanex
no problem, if you have any more question about cannabis i would be more then happy to help you out, and if your embarrassed to ask on here ill make sure my inbox is empty so you can send me PMs
you sir have just made the list, how the hell else am i going to get the oil in my body and as you already state eating does not work for everyone, you going to start mainlining?
please tell me what is the most effective way to ingest cannabis?

the list

all of them talk chemistry but when confronted by GW or QK what they say falls apart faster then a house wife with 6 kids and no xanex

What the hell are you talking about?

You might want to try reading and actually comprehending what you're reading before you make stupid comments.