Hash and Oil Picture Thread

First ever oil run. 99% iso with sugar leaves and bottom buds. 3.2 G from 32 G Just bought 8" BHO glass extractor. Is it that much better?


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opinionated , I think the the essence of cannabis is neither bho or your sift but the flower itself.... would you not agree since we would have neither with out the flower?
now go get back on the ice wax band wagon... i don't come over into rize's thread or frenchy's talking shit how my shit has alot higher potency, yeild, and market ability
i am not talking shit on it, it is good stuff but it doesn't hold a candle in potency compared to bho that is a fact..

I am not taking it personal your just stirring up shit like finshaggy for no reason, we have shown you props for your sifting abilities, so why come over here with that shit? rhetorical question
You are growing resin. Not plant. The genetics determine the quality of your resin. When you take organic, nature grown resin and subject it to butane, or any type of solvent that makes it 'not natural' you might as well forget calling it anything near the 'essence' of anything.

Just an opinion, but science and nature and terpenes don't lie. Maybe i'm nuts?

If you think dry sift doesn't match bho in potency then you haven't had any good dry sift, lol.

I know you oil guys don't like science and facts but it might be worth looking into why terpenes are so important.
"I know you oil guys don't like science and facts"

I think you have that backwards

butane is organic you know..so is crude oil. what does being of natural sources have to do with anything?
maybe perceived cleanliness. sounds good to say organic. water and co2
hash are inorganic.. lemme guess you
flush your weed before harvest?
just saying..people frustrate me with that

solvent made hash will always be cleaner and more potent than any sieved product, flavor is all that's debatable really..and I'm trying to help you by saying that
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Butane is organic? Awesome, post a video of you huffing a can of it down like cheez whiz.

I'll wait.

Of course I expect nothing short of this from a guy who soaks his herb in rubbing alcohol.

As to 'more potent' I think you're kidding yourself man. THC% isn't everything.
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your post made me laugh

yes its organic..like iso
why would I do that? did younot get my previous post about organic being irrelevant.

hmmm yes I soak in rubbing alcohol (70%) and likely denatured?

thc isn't all that matters. interestingly enough flavorful alcohols esters etc are incredibly soluble in another alcohol
So since it's organic, you're willing to drink a glass of iso/butane? Shouldn't be a big deal right?

Organic brah'. Just like that razor blade.. everyone knows herb and razor blades go hand in hand. Oh wait.

I enjoy how you leach chlorophyll on purpose though. Dope dude.

Soak that cheap rubbing alcohol. Obviously it's good for you. Might as well drink it too.
"I know you oil guys don't like science and facts"

I think you have that backwards

butane is organic you know..so is crude oil. what does being of natural sources have to do with anything?
maybe perceived cleanliness. sounds good to say organic. water and co2
hash are inorganic.. lemme guess you
flush your weed before harvest?
just saying..people frustrate me with that

solvent made hash will always be cleaner and more potent than any sieved product, flavor is all that's debatable really..and I'm trying to help you by saying that

I hope the guys making the oils are following the science/facts! People are consuming these products therefore they should be held to industry standards, but most people making it in their backyards likely are not! Which should be a concern to the end users of these types of solvent extracts.
I thought about BHO methods but I couldn't bring myself to carelessly off gas and waste a bunch of butane into the atmosphere. Then also considering the risk of explosion. Mistakes happen and not everyone is as careful. Making bubble hash is much cheaper and more sustainable. All you need are the bags, trim, h2o, buckets, and a mixing device and your set.
I've had several butane extracts that had not been purged/processed correctly and I could taste that crap. The average joe at home is likely not taking the proper steps to ensure its chemical "cleanliness". Where as with most bubble hash makers don't concern themselves with such issues. How can you say something is dirtier or less potent if it has only be come in contact with h2o? There are so many steps and factors to consider/to go wrong when making certain solvent extracts. When it comes to my health I will stick to my bubble hash :)
I am curious what my actual THC/CBD % are in my hash compared to other BHO extracts..
^^ Thank you. People who make BHO rarely ever give their lab results, know why? They just sit there and preach bullshit because they bought a fucking vac. oven and think their shit is gods gift to cannabis extracts. Newsflash.. your korean butane blasted through a fucking turkey baster isn't special. Stop talking.
So, ok.. serious question.. can you butane and rubbing alcohol guys give us a chemical breakdown (actual chemistry) as to what you're doing and why it's ok?

I find it quite hard to believe, considering most of the top bho makers still fail their residual tests.. but oh wait.. you dudes soaking in iso got it nailed down.

Lab sheets anyone? How many show?
Dispensaries should require lab results to resell homemade solvent extracts if they claim they are truly medical grade worthy. If truly sick people are relying on medical grade products how else would they know with confidence that extracts they pay big money for are as healthy and clean as can be! Same thing goes for flowers, there should be a required inspection for contaminants such as mildews and pests. At least supercritical co2 extraction is more so healthier/cleaner the butane but the equipment costs still aren't feasible for most producers.
This is why I make high end dry sift. There is no guess work. People who are blasting butane are basically just tooting horns unless they give up a lab sheet. If they don't, you might as well consider them full of shit. It costs like 100 bucks, if that, to test. If you can't drop that, you're making shit, and don't deserve to be in the medical game.
All I know is I wouldn't be comfortable/confident consuming my own homemade BHO after doing some research and consider the costs/equipment and skill involved if done to achieve some degree of quality. I would need to pay some lab to test something I made before I could consume it!? No thanks. I don't experience that same level of concern if any when consuming my bubble hash :)
Well...addition of oxygen to an organic compound and the subsequent crosslinking or polymerization. This process begins with oxygen molecules in the air inserting into carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bonds adjacent to one of the double bonds within the unsaturated fatty acid. The resulting hydroperoxides are susceptible to crosslinking reactions. Bonds form between neighboring fatty acid chains, resulting in a polymer network, often visible by formation of a skin-like film on samples. This polymerization results in stable films that, while somewhat elastic, do not flow or deform readily, trapping gases

The early stages of the drying process can be monitored by weight changes in an oil film. The film becomes heavier as it absorbs oxygen.

As oxygen uptake ceases, the weight of the film declines as volatile compounds evaporate. As the oil ages, further transitions occur. A large number of the original ester bonds in the oil molecules undergo hydrolysis, releasing individual fatty acids continuing to polymerize.

butane hash oil has a significantly higher iodine number causing thick films to develop that you don't see with iso..
so to purge we use a thin film to minimize this an keep vapor pressures high, iso is completely clean unlike butane. No matter how hard you try you will have some hydrocarbon residuals in bho, not saying that's a big deal

again lol? You brought up butane not being organic, Isaid it is but that it's irrelevant. why would I drink it? iso was selected due to its chemical properties that make it a superior single solvent extract.
not sure why you keep saying rubbing as that's dirty and 70% we use isopropanol 91-99% and not denatured.
leach chlorophyll on purpose? I think that's why it's called a quick wash, though you keep saying soak so I understand your confusion
but sure keep repeating words like soak and rubbing alcohol. maybe if their is a big enough negative stigma ignorance will just win out