Completely strain dependent.. IMO..
I bought a toaster oven when I first started extracting for this purpose..
Don't use it for anything else though.
Man, I've purged so many micro runs with that thing...
I still use it, depending on the resin's viscosity level.
The toaster oven is much more efficient than your regular oven..
Also, your kitchen oven is probably like everybody 's... A bit dirty.
The T. Oven will provide heat from the top and bottom.
This may be your solution goalie.
One more thing on the toaster.. Is able to go as low as possible..
” keep warm” setting should be 120° ish...but double check with your IR temp gun.
Once you find the sweet spot on the dial , mark it on the knob, so you know exactly where 120° is on the dial.
@ goalie...
You blasted into the dish, and vac'd the same dish right?
If the oil was difficult to remove from the glass after the vac purge, it probably wasn't quite ready to collect...
Also, when doing this tech (using a dish to blast into and placing the whole dish into the chamber) you want to let the dish come back to about room temp and settle..
Then I usually can use my dabber, and pry one side of the patty up and it always peels off in one piece..
Sticky oil is usually under or over purged..
The mysterious wonders of lady cannabis' essential oils.
Oh..the days and days of pulling my hair out trying to obtain purrrdy
It will come in due time, I promise..
I'm sure most all of us, had some very very frustrating extractions.
It just takes practice..
Buy a small tube and do a butt-load of 5-7 gram runs...perfect your tech on a small scale first..
Correct, i blasted into a really small pyrex dish and put that dish right into the vac chamber.
I thought that maybe it wasnt ready to collect but i had this impression that it was never going to come off the pyrex cleanly without scraping it. Maybe i was just being hasty.
Dang you getting the patty up in one piece makes me want to try again lol!
If i wasn't going bald i'd be pulling my hair out now too bro, instead i just get frustrated and bitch!
I'm not quitting, just need to slow down because this is gettnig really expensive buynig zips for 200 just to try to turn into oil then failing and wasting my material.
the tube i have from vapetool dot com is the smallest one they sell which is 3/4″x6″ and i can pack 14g of material in there. From what i understand only 7 in there would be a waste and not extract properly cuz of the big air space - so where can i get something for a small 5-7g run? that would be sweet.
First option (cheapest also)
Go to Bed Bath & Beyond and in the cooking section, they carry Stainless Steel Turkey Basters * SSTB*
Depending on how hard you pack...
I've done as little as 6 grams up to about 12-14..
*packed REALLY hard and right*
a perfect pack is about 8-9 grams.
Costs less than 10$
Or, my first extraction tube was a a glass tube with ¾” ID was about 25$ at the local HS.
^ I loved that tube,, I let some fucker borrow it and haven't seen it in a year.
Brown coffee filters and/or SS scrubbers can be used to fill empty space also.
Hope this helps bud.
Pretty much brotha ...just wad them up and pack at the same density level you would for a regular perfect.Well first im going to check bed bath and beyond, thanks for this tip, hopefully our canadian ones have the same stainless steel turkey basters.
For the brown coffee filters to fill space, do they go at the end where you stick the butane tip and do you just squish em up in there? then put the material?
Fuck bro, sorry to hear I couldn't locate the contributors thread. Kind of nervous . Getting all 4 wisdoms pulled @ age 24 .
thought this day would never come.
the scariest part is all the drugs they've prescribed me... I've had experience with oxy and ibprobin. But on very limited occasions.. Them things are hard on me.
soooo.. Just happened . I feel quite interesting , haven't hit the oxy yet . Hoping a medicinal med hells numb the pain rather than oxi and ib...
soooo many drugs. Them pharmacies must be rockin in the dough ..
wishe luck guys!
Pretty much brotha ...just wad them up and pack at the same density level you would for a regular perfect.
First, make sure you buy the correct baster..
The one you want, looks exactly like a regular turkey baster, except it's stainless steel.
Do not buy the one that has a pump, looks like a GIANT syringe. This is not a baster.
The only reason I throw that warning out, it's because, I almost bought the wrong one, because if you have ever been there..
The place is huge with MANY items packed into small sections...
Also, buy your torch there .... It's the same exact torch as the Vector Nitro, but it's a creme brulee torch, only cost under 30$.
While the Nitro runs about 70$.
They have Silplats there also,(cooking version of the Oil Slick) but it's not rated for blasting at all, but works as a sub for Parchment.
They got bad ass hotplates too.. They carry the Nu-wave induction cook-top.
*controls temps VERY accurately at 100°,110.. 10° increments.
That place is for dabbers..
They just don't realize it..
HAhahahahahahahahahahaha. Dude that was awesome. I will check this induction cook top thing you are talkign about, and maybe if its not too pricey... also check out convection toasters hmm
have u been using this bad boy Guz?and thennnn