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  1. eyeballsaul

    what do you recommend for first time growers?

    Fir3dragon, lol all your doing in my opinion is settling with substandard bud and yeild why not just grab proper seeds, I cannot understand why people grow bag seeds lol. As mentioned above pineapplechunk can take one hell of a beating and still yeild good. If I was showing you what to do I...
  2. eyeballsaul

    The meaning of words...

    I've always found the word job funny, I mean job it sounds like some half hearted stoner attempt of creating a word. Job job haha still makes me smile
  3. eyeballsaul

    Possible Stroke??

    First of all congrats on stopping smoking and secondly get yourself to a doctor one stroke can leave you handicapped your entire life. If you have stopped smoking purely because of this chances are its not just in your head, again get yourself to a doc sounds from what I have heard about...
  4. eyeballsaul

    Lets Hear Some JOKES!

    What do you call 2 Muslim terrorists in a car driving off a cliff ? A waste you can fit another 3 in the back haha. What's the difference between a terrorist and a trampoline ? You take your boots off to jump on a trampoline. What's the difference between a dead dog lying in the middle...
  5. eyeballsaul

    Can I place seedlings under a 400 watt mh

    I never have a problem placing plants directly under a 600w mh, I have a desktop fan always blowing under the light towards the extractor to remove heat and usually leave the light bout 1.5ft to 2 ft away from them let them grow SLIGHTLY towards the light not too much or they will be lanky and...
  6. eyeballsaul

    What are the T8 6400k fluorescent pros and cons

    Just off the top of my head in my opinion I would say- Pros Easier temperature control, may be less expensive, easier to specifically target light onto a certain point of the plant. Cons Slower growth, less yield, more lights are needed. Me personally I would not use anything but hps/mh...
  7. eyeballsaul

    Getting close, anyone with an idea of how much longer?

    I agree with racerboy71, post again in a week or 2 with some pics n hopefully they'll be ready
  8. eyeballsaul

    better to harvest too early or too late?

    Hello I would say your far better harvesting slightly late solely due to a better yield but if its only a matter of a few days it would not make too much difference. Just keep an eye on calyxes and pistols coupled with trichome colour. You want nice swelled up calyxes and for the trichomes a...
  9. eyeballsaul

    Pathetic Terrorists Sentences

    Today 3 terrorists were sentenced for planning acts of terrorism, I will not go into detail as more than enough information on this can be found easily on google. 3 terrorists were sentenced for planning acts of terrorism, they were attending terrorist training camps in Pakistan, they had been...
  10. eyeballsaul

    Pictures and review of current personal grow.

    Here are some pictures of my current personal grow, I will update as the flowers develop. I had other pictures from younger but I always end up getting paranoid and deleting them lol, so I will update them onto this thread as I take them. The equipment used is pretty basic - 1.2 x 1.2m tent...
  11. eyeballsaul

    Best things to do while you're high?

    Haha lol more fun than it sounds give it a try, if your used to bongs if not you'll prob be sick lol.
  12. eyeballsaul

    This generation sucks.

    haha lol I feel you, I am 22 first time i was drunk with friends was 8 llf drink from about 12, drugs from 14, at 18 had enough now don't drink or take anything only smoke weed. Now I sit back and watch many people my age and older drink there selves to sleep and sit paranoid on drugs, many of...
  13. eyeballsaul

    Where do you see yourselves in the future and doing what ?

    Exactly mate perfect sunshine, weed, booze and bronze boobies on your morning stroll past the beach lol. I'm sure your family would find plenty of reasons to come out and visit you. Thats what I need to do set a plan to get away to somewhere peaceful and hot, well good luck buddy hope it works...
  14. eyeballsaul

    hey guys

    It would be safe as long as the plant that is male is removed as soon as you see male glands but why dont you go and buy a feminised seed.
  15. eyeballsaul

    Stoned thought.

    Spot on mate, a bit of a challenge, life time challenge. So (theoretically and a bit ignorantly lol) whats worse in the eyes of God dedicating your lives to God following an incorrect religion and false prophets or dedicating your life to God to study and find out which way he truely wishes you...
  16. eyeballsaul

    Where do you see yourselves in the future and doing what ?

    sounds good you sound like your ready to go lucky for some lol spain is brilliant.
  17. eyeballsaul

    7 weeks flowering Purple Kush

    Nice looks nice and frosty, good smokin enjoy.
  18. eyeballsaul

    Where do you see yourselves in the future and doing what ?

    Just a stoned question where do you see yourselves in the future and doing what (or want). As daft as it may sound im from europe and would like to be be on a small lake somewhere in texas with a fishing rod, rifle, stash of weed in the middle of no where. living out my life exploring and...
  19. eyeballsaul

    Where do you see/want to see your self in the future.

    Just a stoned question where do you see yourselves in the future and doing what (or want). As daft as it may sound im from europe and would like to be be on a small lake somewhere in texas with a fishing rod, rifle, stash of weed in the middle of no where. living out my life exploring and...