Where do you see yourselves in the future and doing what ?


Well-Known Member
Just a stoned question where do you see yourselves in the future and doing what (or want).

As daft as it may sound im from europe and would like to be be on a small lake somewhere in texas with a fishing rod, rifle, stash of weed in the middle of no where. living out my life exploring and living off of the land, with a house back home and money as a back up just in case lol.

So what where would you like to live in the future and doing what, with what. Peace :-P:leaf:
spain , living an existence off the fat of the land be it veg and solar power , beer in the sun 9 months of the year and going back to the uk the 3 months its too hot , maybe a little business , maybe not needed , its amounting around 350,000 then doing it
I want to be somewhere like this
sounds good you sound like your ready to go lucky for some lol spain is brilliant.

its a plan , were looking at this in 4 years although being realistic it will take 6

the idea is what do you do with your life ? whats holding you to the area your in ? the area of spain id go to is beautiful in its own way being the costa del sol , id end up in the mountains behind fuengirola growing a few plants without fear of rippers or cops , i can rent a villa for around the 500 euro with a good chunk of land and a swimming pool , theres everything you could ever need shops wise and theres a fantastic expat brit community who are very very welcomming , ok id have to leave my family and friends and thats what the 3 months is about , they will soon get sick to the friggin teeth of having us around for weeks on end and given the distance you can drive home if need be or fly it in 3 hrs very cheaply , i cant find a downside except money and i think i have this covered to a degree , the house im in would amount to a third of a mill if sold and i can own this outright in around 3-4 years , however it needs work so to accrue this money also may take a little longer , the end result is its very possible
Exactly mate perfect sunshine, weed, booze and bronze boobies on your morning stroll past the beach lol.
I'm sure your family would find plenty of reasons to come out and visit you. Thats what I need to do set a plan to get away to somewhere peaceful and hot,
well good luck buddy hope it works outbongsmilie
i see my self to have bought a home , no morgage, own my car. have paid for everything with the house and car so my funds can go to work/ vacations that are just like work( enjoy what you do and you'll never work a day in your life).
I'm hoping to re-enter society on some level, but that may never happen. I've got plans in motion to buy a house and some land, hopefully I'll be in a good position to garden. Outside of that I'm a pretty happy guy.
I'm hoping to re-enter society on some level, but that may never happen. I've got plans in motion to buy a house and some land, hopefully I'll be in a good position to garden. Outside of that I'm a pretty happy guy.

Dude, cut down on the "re-enter society" shit. Society sucks! Have you seen some of the oxygen thieves out there?

You're only as crazy as you think you are :)
Dude, cut down on the "re-enter society" shit. Society sucks! Have you seen some of the oxygen thieves out there?

You're only as crazy as you think you are :)

If I'm only as crazy as I think I am, then I'm not crazy at all. I make perfect sense to me. But I wear the title I have been given with a certain pride, I can be truly free to be who I am. I wish I could say the same for many other people, but I am sure to find at least a few like-minded individuals, but only if I go looking for them.

Peace and Happiness.
If I'm only as crazy as I think I am, then I'm not crazy at all. I make perfect sense to me. But I wear the title I have been given with a certain pride, I can be truly free to be who I am. I wish I could say the same for many other people, but I am sure to find at least a few like-minded individuals, but only if I go looking for them.

Peace and Happiness.

Fuck the title dude! Read a few posts and you're cool with me if it counts for owt.
Haha, so close to "you wont like me when I'm angry" well hold that hulk in brother. Does weed help?

It's pretty much the only thing that does. Intermittent Explosive, they call it. I've got a snap temper to red-out land, things get destroyed, feelings get hurt...occasionally someone gets hurt, but it's been a while since I went after a person. I explained how it works in another thread, but be damned if I remember which one. Recap is simple though - bi-polar gives me racing thoughts which gives me frustration at not being able to think straight which leads to a snap temper and violent outbursts which lead to depression. I also hallucinate a bit here and there, schitzoaffective. But cannabis slows down the thoughts, so I can think and don't get frustrated and puts a cap on the snap temper. I love cannabis.
5 years- work, save money

10 years- work, buy new house

15 years- work, save money

20 years- sell everything, take multiple loans out, disappear to China.
It's pretty much the only thing that does. Intermittent Explosive, they call it. I've got a snap temper to red-out land, things get destroyed, feelings get hurt...occasionally someone gets hurt, but it's been a while since I went after a person. I explained how it works in another thread, but be damned if I remember which one. Recap is simple though - bi-polar gives me racing thoughts which gives me frustration at not being able to think straight which leads to a snap temper and violent outbursts which lead to depression. I also hallucinate a bit here and there, schitzoaffective. But cannabis slows down the thoughts, so I can think and don't get frustrated and puts a cap on the snap temper. I love cannabis.
We found out my bro was schitzy when he stopped smoking cannabis. Even the psych said he should start smoking weed again to see if the voices go away. They never did.

Lesson here is........never quit smoking weed.
It's pretty much the only thing that does. Intermittent Explosive, they call it. I've got a snap temper to red-out land, things get destroyed, feelings get hurt...occasionally someone gets hurt, but it's been a while since I went after a person. I explained how it works in another thread, but be damned if I remember which one. Recap is simple though - bi-polar gives me racing thoughts which gives me frustration at not being able to think straight which leads to a snap temper and violent outbursts which lead to depression. I also hallucinate a bit here and there, schitzoaffective. But cannabis slows down the thoughts, so I can think and don't get frustrated and puts a cap on the snap temper. I love cannabis.

Think I seen some of your earlier posts & liked how you explained it all. Wont pretend for a min that I understand fully but you sound like a good guy.

Good luck and keep on shooting the shit in here, can only help :)
Think I seen some of your earlier posts & liked how you explained it all. Wont pretend for a min that I understand fully but you sound like a good guy.

Good luck and keep on shooting the shit in here, can only help :)

The existence of people such as yourself is exactly why I keep trying to get out there. Thanks for the encouragement.