Where do you see yourselves in the future and doing what ?

BECAUSE I CAN LEGALIZE WEED IN TEXAS. I just can't afford attorneys so I have to do all the real work myself. I have a few that help advise me, but they won't do anything real without money.

You don't really believe this. You couldn't possibly really believe this.
Just that easy...
That's not easy at all. I'll probably be in jail for at least 2 years, and will have to go through like 3 trials. But the police can not enter private property without a warrant or probable cause PERIOD. So I win in the end. What the police did was unconstitutional, and this case has been won by people in my position MULTIPLE times, as proven by the rulings shown in my legal thread.
Unless I win the first or second one. If I can get marijuana legalized for personal use on private property in my home county or home state, that is ALL I need. :) That is ALL I want :)
and then your appeal gets thrown out as meritless.

Well, the first one is not meritless. At the very least my case merits an appeal because my attorney was a x-cop for the same city I got arrested in, and if she has been going to my hearings, it is just an x-cop from the county working with cops from the county working with the DA from the county talking to the judge, that's a mistrial. The Texas supreme court would recognize that, and try the case just because it deserves an "outside perspective" that is the whole point of the court system, to get a new perspective on the case, outside of the small jurisdiction in which the crime took place. Which is why murders are put in first, because you don't want someone sitting in jail that committed a murder that was self defense or in defense of their child or something. But even though my case isn't a murder, it IS a case that deserves an outside perspective based on the people working on the case alone. And since the police had NO WARRANT (then worked together on my case), that is a whole other reason for appeal to go through, AND is the reason my whole case has merit. THEY did something unconstitutional, YES I had an illegal substance. But it was ON MY PROPERTY, OUT OF PLAIN VEIW, OUT OF PLAIN SIGHT, I WAS ASLEEP, NOTHING WAS BEING SMOKED. And again, they had NO WARRANT to be on the property. They broke fundamental American rights and any judge should be able to recognize that.
I find myself killing finshaggy and living in peace..........................

I kid, I kid...................

Maybe :D
The mud slide was on an island. If you can stand the cloudy weather western Wa. is OK.

In the near future I see myself in Las Vegas in the sun. Extended future getting old in my rocking chair.
That's not easy at all. I'll probably be in jail for at least 2 years, and will have to go through like 3 trials. But the police can not enter private property without a warrant or probable cause PERIOD. So I win in the end. What the police did was unconstitutional, and this case has been won by people in my position MULTIPLE times, as proven by the rulings shown in my legal thread.
Was being sarcastic lol.
Cool "sweetheart" I've already spoken to cops in the states of: New Mexico, California, Colorado & Florida. No charges, no extradition warrant. So thanks, but I'm pretty sure my 500$ of probation fees owed is WAAAAY outweighed by even just the gas it would cost to get a car to Colorado, then to Texas. Let alone the cost of jailing me, trying me and possibly losing the case to me :lol: They had NO WARRANT to enter the private property and no probable cause, they have no case :dunce:
Then why be a pussy about it, go do your time little girl! I've seen people try and escape with less than a month left of a 5 year sentence! That is kinda like skipping the state for a misdemeanor, stoooooopid! Then you stand behind "the great nation" of texas(your words, not mine) the whole time, even though they violated your rights? Stoooooopid! You are like the battered wife that says " he is a really nice guy when he is not drinking" stoooopid!
No, two years to appeal up from County court to State court, and maybe National Court. AT LEAST two years... This is gonna be like a murder trial.

This is a misdemeanor. This is never going to be like a murder trial. Ever. If you're granted a few appeals, which you probably will simply be denied, they will most likely drop the case all together, because it's a MISDEMEANOR. They don't *care* enough to let it go to that many appeal courts. I mean, honestly, do your time or don't, but if you're no going to do it, don't pretend like you're avoiding it to martyr yourself for the cause.