Where do you see yourselves in the future and doing what ?

I have no idea. I don't remember asking him to do anything like close a thread, but he didn't tell me why he did it.
well, I would open it, but I don't wanna over ride the boss, ya know? soo, I'll just wait till he opens it up again. I'd like to see how them plants are doing though
well, I would open it, but I don't wanna over ride the boss, ya know? soo, I'll just wait till he opens it up again. I'd like to see how them plants are doing though
It doesn't need to be reopened, I made a new thread about the seeds inside the growing buds, so it is basically about the end of the last grow, then it will be about the next grow as well.
you :D​....

Oh well I'm not lying. One of two things happened. 1) He got a false email 2) He took my saying "this is the last time I am posting on this thread today" as "I don't want this thread open anymore." but that is definitely not what I meant. But it's fine, I made a new strain of Marijuana.
My Venture Cap business just bought some company Micro som thin... IDK...
So we're riding a wave to the middle of the universe....I said middle, not center...
Oh well I'm not lying. One of two things happened. 1) He got a false email 2) He took my saying "this is the last time I am posting on this thread today" as "I don't want this thread open anymore." but that is definitely not what I meant. But it's fine, I made a new strain of Marijuana.
well the false finshag acct fooled me for a split second, till I looked at the post count
well the false finshag acct fooled me for a split second, till I looked at the post count

No, I'm talking about false emails. I got a false email from a false [email protected] as well as a false version of m business partners email, all in the same morning. Then that day he closed my thread, I believe that day he received a email telling him to close the thread. But someone created an illegal email account, and I was told the person who did it could get arrested (for creating illegal gmail.com and yahoo.com servers), so they probably won't do it a lot.
No, I'm talking about false emails. I got a false email from a false [email protected] as well as a false version of m business partners email, all in the same morning. Then that day he closed my thread, I believe that day he received a email telling him to close the thread. But someone created an illegal email account, and I was told the person who did it could get arrested (for creating illegal gmail.com and yahoo.com servers), so they probably won't do it a lot.
ohh I see. well I dunno then

I'm computer illiterate, just saying... lol
Thank you. That proves that I am not a felon. I broke my terms of probation, which were those. They tried to revoke my probation, and had a case and everything. When I did not show up (due to lack of knowledge of the hearing) they reopened my case, and I only have the misdemeanor for 1g of weed on my own property, and a paraphernalia ticket. Thank you for helping to clear everything up Flaming Pie.
If the charges are so minimal why run from them in the first place?
Just a stoned question where do you see yourselves in the future and doing what (or want).

As daft as it may sound im from europe and would like to be be on a small lake somewhere in texas with a fishing rod, rifle, stash of weed in the middle of no where. living out my life exploring and living off of the land, with a house back home and money as a back up just in case lol.

So what where would you like to live in the future and doing what, with what. Peace :-P:leaf:

If you don't mind winter look into montana...i hate winter so i'm getting the hell outta here asap. I would love to be back in Kona, HI actually...growing for patients and making ppl smile with the my fine produce!!!
If the charges are so minimal why run from them in the first place?

BECAUSE I CAN LEGALIZE WEED IN TEXAS. I just can't afford attorneys so I have to do all the real work myself. I have a few that help advise me, but they won't do anything real without money.
Plus I need to find a few more people who have been arrested with marijuana on their own property with no warrant.