Where do you see yourselves in the future and doing what ?

^^yep,You can lead a horse to water

but you can't make him piss:lol:
I don't need to be led anywhere. I know what I am doing, if anyone want to ACTUALLY HELP ME, start figuring out motions I can file, find OTHER PEOPLE with cases in Texas similar to mine, and find new lawyers interested in this shit. Not lawyers that are all about NORML or medical legalization.
Dude how can you possibly be so adamantly ignorant of just about every aspect of your miserable life? At some point you just have to take a step back and realize that the probability that every individual online and around you are full of shit, is a lot lower than the probability that you have shit for brains leaking down out your ears and down your chin. I used to feel bad for you when i first saw how much bashing you recieved, now after seeing how arrogant and oblivious you are, i just feel bad for the unfortunate woman and children whose lives youll affect if you ever accidentally reproduce. Its just sad really..

I have an honest question for you tho. Seriously. After all this time ( From early Dec-April) does your weed truly look "danker" than even one other persons on here? Did your stressing for alkaloids and milking and all the other bullshit you tried, work to grow the plants to the fullest capacity? Cuz from what ive seen id rather smoke cartel shit than let the smoke from your abominations touch my lips.

What makes you think your thoughts on this legal situation is any different than your thoughts on proper cannabis nutrition and care?

Why dont, for once in your life, you just accept the advice of ppl who most likely have more experience and common sense than you?
Because he lives in a world of his own making. When that dick is far up his ass and tearing his sphinter permanently open he will prob still be thinking he has a chance of winning his case.

Some people are just so far gone, you cannot help them.

He is the real life peter pan.
Wrong, I never showed up for my follow up probation meeting, so I never found out if I actually failed. Way to assume yourself into an ass though.

Terms of probation forbid you from leaving the state without permission from the state.

Doesn't matter how or when you left.
DO NOT CHANGE YOUR PLACE OF RESIDENCE AND REPORT ANY CHANGES IN EMPLOYMENT OR MARITAL STATUS TO YOUR OFFICER WITHIN FIVE DAYS. Before changing jobs or moving, you must secure permission from your Probation Officer. REMAIN WITHIN THE COUNTY UNLESS GIVEN WRITTEN PERMISSION TO DEPART BY THE PROBATION OFFICER. Unless otherwise directed, you will be permitted limited travel in your county of residence and surrounding counties. If you are to be out of this county for more than 24 hours, you must secure a travel permit and permission from your Probation Officer. If you plan to travel out of this designated area for any period of time, but within Texas you must obtain permission from your Probation Officer. If you wish to leave Texas you must obtain an Out-of-State travel permit from your Probation Officer. All travel outside the United States requires the approval of your sentencing Judge. If you leave Texas without written permission, you will be considered a fugitive. The Probation Officer or the Judge may limit your travel, as they deem appropriate.

From a texas website.
From a texas website:DO NOT CHANGE YOUR PLACE OF RESIDENCE AND REPORT ANY CHANGES IN EMPLOYMENT OR MARITAL STATUS TO YOUR OFFICER WITHIN FIVE DAYS. Before changing jobs or moving, you must secure permission from your Probation Officer.REMAIN WITHIN THE COUNTY UNLESS GIVEN WRITTENPERMISSION TO DEPART BY THE PROBATION OFFICER. Unless otherwise directed, you will be permitted limited travel in your county of residence and surrounding counties. If you are to be out of this county for more than 24 hours, you must secure a travel permit and permission from your Probation Officer. If you plan to travel out of this designated area for any period of time, but within Texas you must obtain permission from your Probation Officer. If you wish to leave Texas you must obtain an Out-of-State travel permit from your Probation Officer. All travel outside the United States requires the approval of your sentencing Judge. If you leave Texas without written permission, you will be considered a fugitive. The Probation Officer or the Judge may limit your travel, as they deem appropriate.
Thank you. That proves that I am not a felon. I broke my terms of probation, which were those. They tried to revoke my probation, and had a case and everything. When I did not show up (due to lack of knowledge of the hearing) they reopened my case, and I only have the misdemeanor for 1g of weed on my own property, and a paraphernalia ticket. Thank you for helping to clear everything up Flaming Pie.
Yep they're alive, and I'm pretty sure they got some nice seeds growing in em :) But they got tons of beautiful trichs all over too :) I'm gonna guess like 3-9 seeds per plant.
so why did your thread get closed? did rollie really get duped or you asked him to close it?
You're asking him? lol ask rolli.

The thread got closed literally 2 min after I was chastising Figgy for not updating.