Where do you see yourselves in the future and doing what ?

He is serving time because they came to CANADA and arrested him illegally, just like your suggestion of Colorado arresting me for Texas charges. It's not legal to do, but when I go back I will serve time while fighting my charges. Just like he is now.

No. It's not the same. One is international. We have no authority in Canada at all. Texas has every right to ask Colorado for extradition. Why wouldn't they oblige? We don't hide American citizens from American police...no state of ours will do that. We wouldn't be very "united" if we did that...
And you seem to forget where I said I don't give a fuck what ya'll think because I have discussed it with multiple Marijuana defense attorneys from my state...

Well if your defense attorneys told you to run from the law while you "prepared your case" (which your attorneys should be doing for you...) then you need new ones. Because the easiest way to get the harshest sentence is to piss off the judge. One of the easiest ways to piss him/her off, is to spend their counties money just picking you up and giving you a ride.
No. It's not the same. One is international. We have no authority in Canada at all. Texas has every right to ask Colorado for extradition. Why wouldn't they oblige? We don't hide American citizens from American police...no state of ours will do that. We wouldn't be very "united" if we did that...

Agreed, but he's missing how the law works.. yet has read Black's law dictionary, so he's a pro. When they no-knock him this time, it will be 100% legit as he's a fugitive of the law who fled the state knowingly.
1) Just like Texas has no authority in Colorado 2) In the case of a felony, you would be correct.

No, sweetheart. No. They *can* ask for your extradition. They may choose not to spend the money if they feel it's not worth the effort, but we have NO safe-haven states. We ALWAYS honor extradition requests within the states. It's just that most counties choose not to pursue misdemeanor charges because it's not worth it financially.
Agreed, but he's missing how the law works.. yet has read Black's law dictionary, so he's a pro. When they no-knock him this time, it will be 100% legit as he's a fugitive of the law who fled the state knowingly.

I did not flee the state knowingly. I had no idea that they wanted me in court, I just knew that they had asked me to come in for a probation meeting. I didn't find out they wanted me in court till after I had been to California and got all the way to Colorado to live for the first time.
No, sweetheart. No. They *can* ask for your extradition.

Cool "sweetheart" I've already spoken to cops in the states of: New Mexico, California, Colorado & Florida. No charges, no extradition warrant. So thanks, but I'm pretty sure my 500$ of probation fees owed is WAAAAY outweighed by even just the gas it would cost to get a car to Colorado, then to Texas. Let alone the cost of jailing me, trying me and possibly losing the case to me :lol: They had NO WARRANT to enter the private property and no probable cause, they have no case :dunce:
^ This is why I believe in spanking children. You have to knock the stupid out of them when they're young. Otherwise it embeds itself into their brains and they think they're one of those cartoon characters they see on TV, like Superman...
^ This is why I believe in spanking children. You have to knock the stupid out of them when they're young. Otherwise it embeds itself into their brains and they think they're one of those cartoon characters they see on TV, like Superman...
:lol: My mom used to break wooden spoons on our asses, and had a huge paddle called "The Attitude Adjuster", if we would squirm she would say "if I can't hit your butt I'll just hit you wherever I can" and when we got old enough to run, she started THROWING SHIT at us. If anything I am a testament as to why you SHOULD NOT get aggressive with your kids. It desensitizes them. I don't give a FUCK about words now, and I can take punches.
:lol: My mom used to break wooden spoons on our asses, and had a huge paddle called "The Attitude Adjuster", if we would squirm she would say "if I can't hit your butt I'll just hit you wherever I can" and when we got old enough to run, she started THROWING SHIT at us. If anything I am a testament as to why you SHOULD NOT get aggressive with your kids. It desensitizes them. I don't give a FUCK about words now, and I can take punches.

So...you agree then, that you are a testament to what people should not want their children turning into? That makes no sense. You just...you make no fucking sense. Ever. And you know, honestly, I find it endearing.
You know...i'm not like one of these people on here going "Yaaaay, Finshaggy's going to jail! Whoohoo!" I'm more like "Oh my GOD, Finshaggy's going to JAIL!" And then I just picture you getting ass raped. Seriously. So just knock it off. I'm worried about you damnit.
So...you agree then, that you are a testament to what people should not want their children turning into? That makes no sense. You just...you make no fucking sense. Ever. And you know, honestly, I find it endearing.
Of course people don't want their kids to be me, I smoke weed and make videos about it. But that's just because they are either small minded, or don't want their kids to grow up :dunce: Most parents weren't young stoners that grew up with liberal philosophies using Ouija boards and magic books, while still going to church on Sundays. :lol:
You know...i'm not like one of these people on here going "Yaaaay, Finshaggy's going to jail! Whoohoo!" I'm more like "Oh my GOD, Finshaggy's going to JAIL!" And then I just picture you getting ass raped. Seriously. So just knock it off. I'm worried about you damnit.

You're not worried about me, or you would be listening to the things I am telling you right now.
You're not worried about me, or you would be listening to the things I am telling you right now.

Shaggy I've read your arguments in the thread you posted when this first got brought to the board. I've listened to your side of the story, and I honestly believe you cannot win your case, let alone manage to use this case to catapult the state of Texas into a legal MMJ state.