Search results

  1. oldtimer54

    Flint Water Supply

    Believe me I've had my well tested multiple times over the years.....I recommend to everyone on wells to get their water tested you'd be surprised at what you can, get for free from your local health departments or from local WTP's especially if there are young kids or elderly folks living...
  2. oldtimer54

    Flint Water Supply

    I have over 25 years of experience in the water treatment business for my state. It is required to monitor for lead and copper every 3 years. Your sampling is determined by the population of the service area. But what I found was the rules the state and the EPA use allow for manipulation of the...
  3. oldtimer54

    Is being a dealer hard and stressful ?

    I have a 3 year old granddaughter who naps and before she died my 75 year old mom took naps but that was because of the chemo treatments . I don't think El Chapo was getting much nap time in recently !
  4. oldtimer54

    Too High and Too Funny

    Don't laugh that's the same way Cheech & Chong got started !
  5. oldtimer54

    Public Service Announcement

    You know the sad thing is some poor stupid schmuck will fall for this scam again and when he realizes that a terrible error in judgement has been made. He will call his son who goes by the screen name uncle buck and ask him to help his ass out and being the good son he is he will oblige ...
  6. oldtimer54

    do you care if you die

    My 2 kids are doing well I have 2 healthy grandkids a fantastic wife money in the bank........He'll no I don't want to die. I ain't going anywhere till I get 30K posts and at the rate I'm going I'll be around another 35 or 40 years. Live real long and prosper ! :-)
  7. oldtimer54

    Anybody care to explain this..

    Easy, you my friend are one of the few on this planet that have been allowed to travel back in time ! I hope you enjoyed your trip? It occurred 1 day before my 12th birthday. I hope nothing made it back with you !
  8. oldtimer54

    How often do you smoke weed?

    Just on days that end in (Y)
  9. oldtimer54

    True or False?

    False NP celebrated Martin Luther King Day by reciting his famous I have a dream Speech
  10. oldtimer54

    Any ax slingers?

    I'm a self taught leftie. Even though my pops always kept guitars,banjos,mandolins around the house. I was never allowed to play them but just as soon as mom and dad left the house I had all his shit in the living room banging on them like I knew what I was doing. I developed a love of music...
  11. oldtimer54

    Machete Kills Again... In Space

    Hell, the only thing I seen him in that he didn't kill anyone was in that snickers commercial with the Brady Bunch . I loved that commercial very funny!
  12. oldtimer54

    Mile 419.99....

    I knew there was a reason I liked you ! I know nothing about the art of butchery But I did eat at a steakhouse last night !
  13. oldtimer54

    Revenge on Ganja Thiefs

    Yes I did ! And with that statement I'll retire to my laboratory to figure out my next move. I'm currently looking for an alibi.....oops I meant albatross..yeah albatross.. anzo..what's up my man ? How's that baby doing ? You guys home yet ?
  14. oldtimer54

    you know your a drunk when...

    When you have the bondsman's phone#'s On speed dial or perhaps all the jailers within 3 counties know you by your first name !
  15. oldtimer54

    Why do humans spread their arms while jumping off things?

    I can speak to my younger days (back in the mid 70's) there was a rock quarry that had been closed for an extended period of time it was purchased by someone with the bright idea to use it for swimming. On the highest side he built a platform that extended out about 20 feet .From the...
  16. oldtimer54

    You're fired... Get your shit and go!!

    I'm not defending this prick but maybe next time you're cleaning the stalls try putting up something to keep people from doing what this dumbass did . Commonsense seems to be in short supply these days But some people are just assholes and need to be taught a lesson. I'd say you did just that ...
  17. oldtimer54

    What would you do

    There nothing better than pulling your ass out of the rut and seeing how beautiful things are from an entirely different perspective. You can do it . I have faith in you . And you were funny as shit in Elf !
  18. oldtimer54

    What would you do

    It's called being in a rut. Keep doing the same thing and stay miserable.....or start making small changes to your daily routine and begin the slow climb out of the rut. After a while you'll realize that what once was a problem is now nothing but a distant memory......but it all begins with you...
  19. oldtimer54

    Reading Is Fundamental - What Are You Reading?

    Fun with Dick and Jane. Anyone remember those ?
  20. oldtimer54

    what age you think or feel is old?

    I just turned 58. Now get off my lawn and turn that Damn music down you whipper snappers. When I was your age I had to walk 10 miles up hill to school and then 10 miles up hill to go home. And we had to eat dirt And it wasn't any of that Fox Farm shit it was real dirt. And you know what we...