Is being a dealer hard and stressful ?


Well-Known Member
Just thinking about it like my friends say it is cause like when they're taking a nap they get woken up and it gets kinda annoying but it's your job. Is it hard ?
its pretty damn hard and even more stressful

if only getting woken up from naps were my worries lol..
your friends aint dealers. they wish they were. and alot of old cats will tell you they only sell because they have too. your friends become enemies, your eyes fill with greed and your heart with lust, the people you end up being around are terrible and feed your own addiction etc, people die od killed, people get robbed, kickdoored, your ethics quickly disintegrate and if you have any morals left your wrought with guilt over things you will inevitably do, you will fuck up good relationships with family or a spouse. paranoia can take over aith the inevitability of getting caught/surveillance. you cant even spend your money hiw yiu want because it doesnt exist. you have no credit so drive a slab

i mean the list goes on
My situation is unique. I have a small clientele of made up mostly of affluent performers - musicians, djs, artists, photographers, etc.. I simply run down to their cars, bring it with me to gigs, or leave it in my trunk for them to get whenever. They buy pretty much all I can grow, no stress ever. The growing at my place is more stressful, but I'm very used to it by now, so that stress is diminished, too. I'm lucky...
You eventually develop new skills like telling the difference between an ambulance siren n a cop car n eyeing up weights. Don't deal hard drugs only pot n you'll be fine.sorting out one mate with the smoke for ur other mates is good aswell n sling him a bag for his troubles
Just thinking about it like my friends say it is cause like when they're taking a nap they get woken up and it gets kinda annoying but it's your job. Is it hard ?
I have a 3 year old granddaughter who naps and before she died my 75 year old mom took naps but that was because of the chemo treatments .
I don't think El Chapo was getting much nap time in recently !
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It's not for everybody...being woke up it not a issue just have hours you have your burn on, say 10-10, any other time theyr sol, always a potential to be popd it's just not worth it imo, get a job, just grow for yourself and if a friend wants somthin help him out