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  1. PetFlora

    Trump's Republicans vs Hitler's Nazis; it's time to face the truth

    try doing actual verification. They ran TV ad. when I saw them I was totally convinced that the political game is rigged Last response as you are both ignorant and lazy, just the way they want you
  2. PetFlora

    Trump's Republicans vs Hitler's Nazis; it's time to face the truth

    you're probably too young to remember when the illusion broke wide open when both GHWB and WJC formed a 501C non profit and were running commercials hawking money for the Haiti earthquake I wonder where that $54 million went it sure as hell...
  3. PetFlora

    Trump's Republicans vs Hitler's Nazis; it's time to face the truth

    they lerned from the best ... when opposing parties use the same playbook, are they really opposition?
  4. PetFlora

    Trump's Republicans vs Hitler's Nazis; it's time to face the truth

    they have the same agendas; distract the public and keep themselves in office If that's not true, why do you think W slipped Michael a gummy bear at McCains funeral? Any true patriot of the US knows that McCain was deep state scum, proven by both parties showing up
  5. PetFlora

    Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

    Food Grde is a lot more expensive and hard to find locally. SHipping requires Hazardous handling = $$$$$$$ I use it for floors, as well as to disinfect door knobs, sinks, ...
  6. PetFlora

    Trump's Republicans vs Hitler's Nazis; it's time to face the truth

    LOL You should watch her explain it to you, then look in the mirror to see what naive looks like
  7. PetFlora

    Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

    If it wil burn skin, it will burn plants Dilute ratio to 3% is 1: 11. If that doesn't work, try 1:9...
  8. PetFlora

    Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

    Not sure about that, but Food Grade is ~ 40%. I bought it in a health food store in the refrigerated section. Gloves are recommended as it will burn the crap of skin
  9. PetFlora

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    hmm, he doesn't look like DJT
  10. PetFlora

    Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

    Why would they ban hydrogen peroxide? It is available in Food Grade which requires refrigeration (no stabilizers) or... from beauty supply stores
  11. PetFlora

    Very Hard Water?

    what's no suitable for hydro?
  12. PetFlora

    Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

    H2O2 works great. Byproduct is H2O. Buy 30-40% from beauty supply then dilute to ~ 10% (1:10= 3%)
  13. PetFlora

    Convert top feed to ebb and flow?

    Polished stones are virtually inert, and, do not break down. I'v been using the same stones for 10 grows and counting
  14. PetFlora

    Trump's Republicans vs Hitler's Nazis; it's time to face the truth

    well you're half right We need to replace BOTH parties, and the CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, FDA,...
  15. PetFlora

    Trump's Republicans vs Hitler's Nazis; it's time to face the truth

    here's aa timely article *************************** My brain hurts,and I still have 13 questions to go...This looks awfully important to understand,if we ever want to get our land back.idk... [....My Dear Archbishop George, I, too, stand with the universal Catholic Church, founded by...
  16. PetFlora

    Trump's Republicans vs Hitler's Nazis; it's time to face the truth

    Actually, we are a republic but I get it. Anyway, if you go back in history and ask where did people get the money to leave England to come here and pioneer the new world against unknown hardship, then look up the BAR Association (and finance), you will see the connection to England. Now...
  17. PetFlora

    Americans Maintain a Positive View of Bernie Sanders

    Typical BS poll results, only socialists like Bernie
  18. PetFlora

    Cross breeding undercurrent and fogponics

    the good and bad of HPA is that it can produce an enormous rootball that makes it very difficult for ist to around. Probably 4 heads will do it, but up high, or on the lid, but that creates issues when you need to remove the lid
  19. PetFlora

    rapey GOP

    well at least you one part correct- you ae SORRY alright
  20. PetFlora

    rapey GOP

    because you stuck your nose into a conversation that had nothing tto do with you