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  1. N

    New AC Infinity clip fans??? WUT?!?!

    I just noticed on BuildASoil's site that the Monkey Fans have a notable disclaimer saying to not run them 24/7... I know the little Vornado fans I was running only lasted about a year & half before seizing up when they were left constantly running. Hopefully Infinity is bringing it's A game on...
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    humor: You know you've left your plants in the cloner too long when...

    1 - You need to top off your cloner at least once a day since they're drinking so much 2 - You can't remember when you put them in the cloner 3 - You decide to start giving them light veg nutes to stop them from yellowing and having deficiencies 4 - You can't lift the cloner lid without the...
  3. N

    Would you use any amendments in a coco/peat/perlite mix for DTW?

    I've asked this over on Organics where I usually lurk, but I'm going to do a salt-based run to use up some old Botanicare and other goodies I have lying around. My medium is chunky coco, some peat, perlite and a dash of some montmorillonite clay. Since I have been running SIPs and organic soil...
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    Top dressing coco

    or steep the kelp meal, make your tea with it.
  5. N

    Top dressing coco

    I don't know about "for terps" but Kelp is known to be good in general for multiple reasons, but if you're running bottled nutes you might want to use a liquid kelp product as you may not get the full benefits otherwise without soil biology breaking things down.
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    Which of our favorite amendments can also be used in non-organic grows?

    fwiw, before I made the decision to make a salt-based run I do have a bit of my 'next batch' soil mix sitting here I could use as well. It's a mix of NFTG #4, EWC and Bu's compost along with some chunky perlite & a little bit of montmorillonite clay in there. It's been sitting for a good while...
  7. N

    Which of our favorite amendments can also be used in non-organic grows?

    I'm planning to do a salt nute run to use up some old Botanicare KIND I still have lying around. I've got a coco chunks / peat / perlite mix that I've got sitting here ready to use in the setup but I was wondering what of the goodies I have lying around would still be useful. I.e. the Oyster...
  8. N

    Brown stuff on cutting from DWC cloner

    I use Southern Ag's Bio Friendly Fungicide in my cloner and that seems to have helped me prevent these type of issues. And I can say I'm far from keeping things super clean/sterile. I do let my stones and cloner sit in super hot tap water when I "clean" between cycles but I've yet to really use...
  9. N

    Best approach to both save some genetics and to cross two phenos?

    So I'm thinking of breaking up with my girls. They've served me well but now I want to try something new. I believe 1 of the 2 is the preferred keeper as it seems to be tighter denser buds and a better profile in general. The dilemma I have is that the other pheno (B) seems to flourish and...
  10. N

    Cyanobacteria slime algae in Aero Cloner? Sterilizing?

    I've had very good luck with my turbo cloner 24, and I'm far (very far) from being super diligent with the sterilization. What I have been doing is using SouthernAg Garden Friendly Fungicide in the rez and I also spray the clones, the lid, the top of the cloner, etc. That has been my...
  11. N

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    Can't say anything but good things about the Rubbermaid Brute Totes that I used. Not cheap, but not that bad when compared to the marked up hydro crap from the industry which is just a bucket or pail, some tubing an elbow and a gromet. ;-) I've been thinking of making a dtw or flood/drain again...
  12. N

    SCROG Question.

    Where'd you get those trays and risers? Those look interesting.
  13. N

    Heating Tent w/LED

    If I'm not mistaken, those heat mats have warning to not 'cover them'. I've been in similar situation and considered that as well. I bought 2 of the large 2x4 mats for a 4x4 space. Like others pointed out, those oil filled radiators are probably best & safest option imo. You could use a fan...
  14. N

    Extension and power cord safety

    I was going to chime in with get the highest gauge cords you can (smaller #'s are better for gauges) for an extra degree of safety.
  15. N

    Should I buy infinity 8s $100

    I see people saying overkill but I was under the impression that running a bigger fan but at a lower speed is preferable if you care about noise, etc. But in general I'd expect it's letting the fan do the job without working as hard so that has to help with life expectancy for the...
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    Humidifier for inkbird humidifier controller

    Also, the model was large enough of a rez I could have technically installed a float valve easily and used an off-board rez to keep it topped off, etc.
  17. N

    Humidifier for inkbird humidifier controller

    Aircare makes a large evap console model I use plus an Inkbird to control it. Large rez on it, etc. I went to Menards and other places to get a link for you, but it looks like they've gone and fucked around with the model and gave it newer 'controls'. I specifically picked it because it was a...
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    AC Infinity Controller 67 users?

    I also use one now for my drying tent since I can dial it in so well. That plus an Inkbird to run the humidifier in the room when I need to raise humidity like a winter run requires.
  19. N

    AC Infinity Controller 67 users?

    I've bought a couple of their newer controllers and love 'em. It's what their first model should have been. Just wish it was Wifi instead of bluetooth and if they had an open API that would be even better for integration/home automation, etc.
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    Mother Plant-Specific Nutrients And General Care/Maint.

    You definitely want to get those mums into tiptop shape before cuts if possible. I'd do a good solid feed a few days before, maybe a foliar with some kelp, etc. I use Photo+ in my foliars as well as silica and fulvic. Whatever your regime, you're looking to push their health up so they store...