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  1. atrumblood

    Dwc Grow Club

    Nice, when I was growing I was really tempted to get one of those, but I never had the money.
  2. atrumblood

    Dwc Grow Club

    DWC is probably the easiest way to grow IMO. The results from my black berry grow speaks for it self. BTW what's up grow club?! I haven't been on in ages.
  3. atrumblood

    Music that feels Empowering, Energizing, and flat out EPIC!

    So I am trying to find some new music. I have been in the mood for music that gets the adrenaline pumping. You know when you hear music that gives you goose bumps and makes you feel like you could take on just about anything. I need a playlist of that sort of music. Does any one have any...
  4. atrumblood

    Dwc Grow Club

    Sweet. How'd ya do?
  5. atrumblood

    Dwc Grow Club

    Yo guys, how's everyone doing lately? I haven't been on in a long time.
  6. atrumblood

    Secret Jardin Darkroom Club

    Yo guys, hows everyone doing? I haven't been on in a long while.
  7. atrumblood

    Need Help Deciding What to Plant

    Hello everyone. Spring is here and I have a bare patch of ground outside that I would like to fill in with some perennials. I was wondering if I gave a description of my zone and climate and some of my own personal preferences that someone could point me to some plants that fit the bill. So...
  8. atrumblood

    Good place to find Rubber Gaskets

    Does any one know a good place to find some rubber gaskets. Home Depot is a worthless POS when it comes to shit like that, and all the plumbing shops around town don't have them in a 1" size. I am trying to rig up a RDWC system with a 3/4" return pipe.
  9. atrumblood

    Black Berry Grow. DWC

    Yeah, this is one from way back in the day. I have already harvested a few more from clones of this grow.
  10. atrumblood

    What is the Best Ratio of Butter to Weed when Making Cannabutter?

    Thanks for the recipes. I'll be making some good stuff tonight :)
  11. atrumblood

    What is the Best Ratio of Butter to Weed when Making Cannabutter?

    Well, I just did 3oz of trim and weed to 6lbs of butter
  12. atrumblood

    Heat and THC.

    I'm using a 400w light bps
  13. atrumblood

    Attention Atheist

    *sigh* The op was obviously looking to stir shit up. I guess I'll throw in my two cents since I bothered clicking on the link. The thought that everything was created by anything other than chaotic chance in the universe scares the hell out of me. I think Carl Sagan said it best. "It is far...
  14. atrumblood

    Advise for Keeping apartment grow room cool.

    Hmm, I am sure the neighbors would know something was up if I started using power tools haha. Oh well, I found a better solution. My folks are letting me use the barn they have out back. Big son of a bitch too. We are converting the upstairs into a full on grow room. Only doing MAX of 3 plants...
  15. atrumblood

    Heat and THC.

    That does sound good :D I'll have to try. Just got done harvesting 15 Oz.
  16. atrumblood

    Dwc Grow Club

    *Crickets Chirping* Kinda quiet in here lately..........................
  17. atrumblood

    Heat and THC.

    Yeah so have I. I have heard those use cannabis oil. Be nice to find out. I would much rather pop a piece of candy in my mouth to suck on rather than eat a cookie. (I know I'm weird. a Pot head that doesn't like baked goods haha.) Btw I love your avatar. Bump some techno, smoke a bowl, and I...
  18. atrumblood

    What is the Best Ratio of Butter to Weed when Making Cannabutter?

    Never mind I just saw the other post on this topic.
  19. atrumblood

    Heat and THC.

    So I am going to assume that means that hard crack candy is a bad idea and you want to stick with the lower temp candies such as fudge?
  20. atrumblood

    What is the Best Ratio of Butter to Weed when Making Cannabutter?

    So as my title suggested, I am looking for the best ratio of weed to butter to get the most of the weed.