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  1. phantombuds

    Magnetic Ballast Repair Questions

    Why not just unsolder the old resistor and solder it onto your new one before you solder it back in the breadboard?
  2. phantombuds

    Week 6 **HELP!** Issues

    When growing in coco (never have myself), but I believe your PH should be in the 5.5 - 6.0 range (someone correct me if I'm wrong). I'm with aim on this, it seems you over-nuted your plants and burned them to a crisp. Follow aim's advice on the flush then 50% nutes (i'd just use your base...
  3. phantombuds

    Just started germination...

    Holy crap Batman!!! How far is your lights? Those babies are stretching like mofos! If your using CFLs, try to get them right up on top of your humidity dome (if heat allows), if HID, keep it around 30" above (if 1k, if 400-600 then go like 20").
  4. phantombuds

    Just started germination...

    Looks good! I'm surprised they lived being in paper towels for 4 days!
  5. phantombuds

    I have sprouted a lie

    Can you post up a more focused picture? That one is really blurry. But, it does seem that you have indeed sprouted a va-jay-jay! ;-) I would name it 'Pussy Kush' ;-)
  6. phantombuds

    Is this Cartel GMO weed?

    I don't know if it's "Cartel" weed. GMO weed? Never heard of GMO'd weed. Now any weed that a "cartel" member hands someone could be considered "cartel" weed. Just saying.
  7. phantombuds

    Free Grow Software!

    LuciferX, if you need a Mac beta tester, I'm your guy. Having to run the windows version in parallels atm. I did figure out how to get the current mac version to run natively (had to use Firefox to do the install), but the Mac version is neutered compared to the windows side.
  8. phantombuds

    Resinous calyx in veg??

    Can you post up a photo?
  9. phantombuds

    True or False?

    And they say more acidic soil = more females, cooler temp = females, etc. etc. etc. The only way to guarantee females = female seeds.
  10. phantombuds

    FFOF for flowering

    I start off light on the nutes after transplant. About 1/4 dose. Then work your way up to full strength.
  11. phantombuds

    Help ballast is causing interference with TV

    I see your living room looks a lot like mine! I got grow stuff everywhere right now! Driving the wife nuts! :-D :bigjoint: EDIT: Oh and to be on topic, my Quantum 1000 digital puts out 0% interference.
  12. phantombuds

    High PH signs, symptoms and correcting...Pictorial!! A must read for newb'z

    Coming from outdoor growing, I NEVER pd'd my water and pulled some good weight off every plant I grew, now doing an indoor grow I found out differently, and with that being said...I would like to thank you for posting this! You pointed me in the exact direction I need to go. I ph'd my water...
  13. phantombuds

    Planting Pot

    Because it's easy and he wants to get baked?? :bigjoint:
  14. phantombuds

    Need some help and 1st indoor plants are sick...

    So would you suggest distilled + camag only for the seedlings? I was a bit worried by the yellowing on the tips of one of my older plants (2nd from the bottom in the pics).
  15. phantombuds

    Need some help and 1st indoor plants are sick...

    Anyhow, this is my first indoor grow and my plants are sick. I was using tap that I wasn't leaving out for 24 hours (yeah, I know, I stopped using my tap water, I read the report for my area and it's some nasty crud), and 2 waterings ago started using distilled water + camag+ 1/3 strength age...
  16. phantombuds

    Cherry Kush Cookies / Master Kush / Mystery Strain Grow

    Thanks! Forgot to mention, I'm using FFOF soil and Age Old Grow (will switch to Age Old Bloom when flowering time comes).
  17. phantombuds

    Cherry Kush Cookies / Master Kush / Mystery Strain Grow

    Twice in a row my text got deleted! And, when I tried to edit, it says my message is too short, it needs to be 10 characters or more? Strange… Anyhow, I'm a long time lurker, first real post. I've learned a lot from this forum and thought I'd post up some pix of what I have going on...