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  1. phantombuds

    FUCK taRts like my neighbors are why weed isnt legal

    That violates the state law. How the hell did the Fresno city council pass that???? Sent from my Nexus 7 using Rollitup mobile app
  2. phantombuds

    Oregon Green Seed Company

    Well, its not stealthy anymore because you just told the whole damn world. Did I post up a picture of the package? Nope. I didn't give out any info that wasn't on their website. You seriously need to get a life. Every thread I have seen you post in, your an ass.
  3. phantombuds

    sunmaster 600w hps strobes on 600 and 660 setting

    Try plugging in the ballast with the bulb attached directly at an outlet to rule out the distance / voltage drop.
  4. phantombuds

    LED, MH or HPS for veg , please tell meyour experience and preference

    Most of everything you've said is either hearsay or straight up just your opinion. I'm not calling you a liar, but for things like "hundreds of grows that have replaced all their 1000w's with induction / leds", where's the proof on that? I could say I've banged hundreds of hella hot hookers...
  5. phantombuds

    LED, MH or HPS for veg , please tell meyour experience and preference

    +1 to this. I can see using led or cfl for seedlings but for vegging and flowering mh/hps is king.
  6. phantombuds

    fem seeds grow, Need help

    1 - Depends on how long you veg 2 - Yes (12/12 flower) and you can 20/4 or 24/0 for veg 3 - See answer 2
  7. phantombuds

    DIY aero cloner --fast and dirty

    I am defiantly going to watch you progress on this. Want to make my own aero cloner, but not sure how to. When you get yours finished, could you post up some "Aero Cloner DIY for Dummies" pix and short instructions? TIA!
  8. phantombuds

    Water Cooled HPS light

    You guys realize you resurrected a 3 year old thread?
  9. phantombuds

    I'm poor an can't afford ph down any other ways of lowering ph?

    This is supposed to be a place for all of us stoners/growers to get together and help one another. What the fuck is wrong with everyone? Damn, do you all need a hug or something? We have enough problems with the ignorant masses thinking Cannabis can kill people. Shit, everyone needs to smoke...
  10. phantombuds

    Leaves brown/yellow w/ pics.. Help?

    That's exactly what my soil ph issues looked like when it started. No damn like button. But, anyway, +1 to SnaFuu
  11. phantombuds

    help, plant in trouble

    Seedlings are very slow going. It is currently working on it's root system. Just add water when the soil is dry and it should be OK. Just give her some time.
  12. phantombuds

    Attitude seeds! Help!

    The USPS near you should hold it if you call and ask.
  13. phantombuds

    75-77f good at canopy?

    I'm no expert, but from what I've read, your right in the good range (70-80). I believe if your pumping in CO2, you can go higher?
  14. phantombuds

    best ph range for watering plants in soil

    Depending on the PH of the soil, that will tell you where (if at all) you should PH your water. Ideally you want your soil between 6.3-6.5. In that range you don't need to PH your water (i would still check it, adding nutes, etc can lower the water's PH below 6.0). If your soil is above 6.8...
  15. phantombuds

    Just started germination...

    Any updates? How are your seedlings doing?
  16. phantombuds

    Oregon Green Seed Company

    I've always either used clones or regular seeds. This is going to be a first time run for me (fem seeds). Can't wait for my current grow to finish.
  17. phantombuds

    Oregon Green Seed Company

    Waiting for my current grow to finish flowering. In about 4-5 weeks I will start a journal on my OGS seeds.
  18. phantombuds

    Oregon Green Seed Company

    Not in their seed shop. Though I did get fem seeds as a freebie. Hopefully they will be adding those soon.
  19. phantombuds

    Oregon Green Seed Company

    Just got these in the mail; Packaged very well and very stealth (plain bubble mailer with the seeds in a envolope protected by a plastic clip). Got 5 fem GSC seeds as freebies! Will post up when I crack these babies and toss them in some dirt...