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  1. vhawk

    Agromax Pure UV bulb

    4 hours a day x 2 days with two 4ft pure uvb agromax bulbs about 3 feet off the canopy. Moved the purple kush into the flower room on 2nd day of uvb supplemental lighting. That's when I noticed the blueberry acting stressed with curled leaves. I shut them off and noticed the damage to the purple...
  2. vhawk

    Agromax UV burn, caution

    Glad you mentioned the skin burn. I felt like I was getting burnt on the back of my neck when they came on the second day. Crazy how much radiation they put out. What kind of timer are you using? The push pins only do 15 minutes, and areally hard to synchronize.
  3. vhawk

    Blueberry, 400w single seed, defoliation

    The plant is recovering slowly. New white pistils showing. I'm sad for what I did. I bet it costs me half of the potential yield. In the bright side, the buds did crystal up really quick, and they smell fucking delicious. About 4 weeks left in flower unless I stop getting new flower growth
  4. vhawk

    Agromax UV burn, caution

    After using reptile lights for supplemental UV, I went and bought 2 4ft t5 Agromax Pure UV bulbs, 54 watts each. Had them about 3 feet from the canopy for 4 hours x 2 days. I didn't recognize the stress after day 1. Thankfully only 1 plant was in the tent when I installed the UV bulbs. I'm...
  5. vhawk

    Blueberry, 400w single seed, defoliation

    Burned, stressed leaves. UV bulbs on too long or too close. Took 8 hours to burn.
  6. vhawk

    Blueberry, 400w single seed, defoliation

    Put up 2, four ft, 54watt, t5 single bulb lamps. Agromax pure UV bulbs. Had them about 2.5 feet from top of canopy and on for about 8 hours. It was too much too soon. On second day, about a couple hours in to light cycle noticed leaf tips curled on about 10% of leaves, edges of leaf curling up...
  7. vhawk

    Blueberry, 400w single seed, defoliation

    Before and after stripping leaves. It's week 4 of flower. It's about 3ft across, and 2ft tall. No pruning of undergrowth though it's driving me crazy not to. Just defoliation. If the bottom half turns airy and larfy then it's going to be used for coconut oil extraction. We'll see.
  8. vhawk

    How much far red 730nm do i need?

    Perfect. Where did you get your light bar if you don't mind me asking? And thanks for being helpful. I like it when I get useful answers. It's a rare thing sometimes
  9. vhawk

    How much far red 730nm do i need?

    I want the quicker turn around. What I need to know is how many watts I need or whatever measurement for that size grow tent
  10. vhawk

    removing fan leaves in flower

    I'm still waiting for you, slab, to explain why cannabis is so different than other herbaceous plants. If all you have for a rebuttal is "noob", then I sense a lack of endowment both cranial and genital.
  11. vhawk

    removing fan leaves in flower

    Because my dick is obviously bigger then yours. And because without my water,nutes, light, and training it's just a seed.
  12. vhawk

    removing fan leaves in flower

    Lol you're just stupid for being close minded. Why would I not give DJ short credit for breeding a great plant either? Wow I shouldn't be but I'm amazed at your intransigence.
  13. vhawk

    How much far red 730nm do i need?

    Given a 7x7 floor space how much far red light do I need to put the ladies to sleep? I'm guessing not a lot since it's not really being used for photosynthesis but I can't find a good source to give me some guideline. Thanks for any help
  14. vhawk

    removing fan leaves in flower

    There are growers here that I've seen do very well by multiple metrics, I.e. gm/watt, gm/m2, etc, with defoliation. I have limited experience with it on cannabis only because I'm a new grower. However the arguments against it don't hold water as it applies to plants I am more familiar with...
  15. vhawk

    Insect and Pest surveillance

    Any recommendations for surveillance traps? And I caught this fly/gnat in my flower tent. Freaked me out. I didn't see any eggs or Leaf damage. Nothing wiggling around in the soil. But now I think I need to set up some kind of pheromone trap in the tent just to make sure nothing's taken up...
  16. vhawk

    Blueberry, 400w single seed, defoliation

    Put up some metal shelves. Now I've got a separate cloning station. Those clones are under a 55 watt spiral CFL. The temperatures in the bedroom were too high, or the light too intense. But under this CFL they perked right up. I'm going to be an official licensed medical grower. I'm going to...
  17. vhawk

    Blueberry, 400w single seed, defoliation

    June 22. Moved into new 6x6 tent. Pulled a few clones off her. The 4x8 tent didn't work out. Craigslist guy flaked. This set up gives me more room though. I've got Sun System 1000 watt lamps with ballast to go up when it's ready.
  18. vhawk

    Blueberry, 400w single seed, defoliation

    Still week 3. Staying squat and bushy. Using 6 inch 'staples' for low stress training. I'm picking up a used 8x4 ft tent, two 1k watt hps lights and fans maybe tomorrow. If that works out I'll be taking cuttings for cloning soon.
  19. vhawk

    Blueberry, 400w single seed, defoliation

    I hand water. Keeps the water from digging holes into the soil. Prefer it to straw mulch, which is what I use on my vegetables outside. Inside I feel having a layer of moist dead straw is just inviting mold.
  20. vhawk

    Blueberry, 400w single seed, defoliation

    3 weeks into veg. 1st defoliation. I did this about a week earlier than I planned because I couldn't get stakes planted for lst without bruising or accidentally clipping a bud site. It was super bushy. Nodes are nice and tight. Vigorous growth. I think I should be able to take clones off it...