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  1. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    Oh yes and I want to study and find a source to mix my own nutrients. I bought a bunch of FF stuff and is all the same ingredients, just different ratios.
  2. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    The larf and popcorn starts about 2/3 down but by the time I harvest I'm hoping that stuff will thicken and swell into higher quality buds. I feel like pinching off all the fan leaves once the canopy is full didn't cause any stress at all. All the nodes immediately pumped out new leaves/new...
  3. vhawk

    Mr420mans grow journal in the pnw

    You are blessed to have the ability to garden outside. I'm jealous. Free lighting! And no ceiling. Although letting the girls outside and exposed to whatever bugs might fly by is also scarey to think about. Especially since my ideal commercial grow room would be like a surgical suite, positive...
  4. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    You vegging Northern Lights? They look pretty happy. If you defoliate I'd recommend not lollipopping. If I had done that, vegged for 2 weeks less, I'd have plants about a foot shorter but thick with bud nearly to the base of the plant. The last plant I have left I didn't lollipop, I only...
  5. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    12.9 Oz of wet trimmed bud off just one plant. At 34 Oz of wet trim now, with one last plant, the biggest one still ripening in the tent. Hoping to beat a gram per watt once it's all dried and cured. Thanks for everyone's help. The harvested stuff is drying in hanging baskets, and then...
  6. vhawk

    56 days in flower, these buds close at all? Ugh

    Is this 'foxtailing'? My other buds are all dildo shaped. This one looks like a sharpened pencil. Foxtailing is bad, right? And does it mean I'm gay if my buds look like a forest of Jolly Green Giant peckers?
  7. vhawk

    56 days in flower, these buds close at all? Ugh

    310 gms of trimmed wet bud after chopping the runt. It was smaller but riper. The 3 plants left with more room, better lighting. I think about 1 more week. Pic is of trimmed bud.
  8. vhawk

    What is wrong with this seedling?

    Or if space is limited cull it. Use the extra space to LST your other plants. In my limited space having one runt made light distribution a pain. Had I culled it the other plants would easily have used the extra room.
  9. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    My best cola is just over a foot and a half long, frosty as feck. The ladies were staked today... they were falling over.
  10. vhawk

    56 days in flower, these buds close at all? Ugh

    I like that Dr Who. I work with lots of MD's. I think I'd rather hang with Who. I'm going to have to put supports in for the plants. They are just starting to topple over from being top heavy. It's kind of sexy.
  11. vhawk

    56 days in flower, these buds close at all? Ugh

    That's what mine looked like about 3 weeks after the flip. I thought they'd never bulk up.
  12. vhawk

    56 days in flower, these buds close at all? Ugh

    Nice another small grower. Have you had any grows under your 400w? What's your dried yield been? Goal for my first grow is anything over .5 gm/watt or about 6 Oz dried. I'm going to need almost 2lbs of fresh cut bud to do that I'm estimating. Based on what I've read and this the test bud I...
  13. vhawk

    56 days in flower, these buds close at all? Ugh

    This is from a week ago before it started to really thicken and swell. I'm happy. My goal was to do better than finshaggy. I like my goal posts to be attainable. I'm sure in a few years I'll be embarrassed for being so excited, but for now I'll enjoy the ride. Some asked about the lens I...
  14. vhawk

    56 days in flower, these buds close at all? Ugh

    I must not have been clear about it. I'm not routinely flushing. I have however adjusted my water ph and feeding when run off hit 4.9 early on in veg. That seems awful acidic. And you wanted a pic of my soil? Or? I anticipate harvest about April 20th. Have a new drying rack ready. Plus fresh...
  15. vhawk

    56 days in flower, these buds close at all? Ugh

    If it was 50 days from when I first saw flowers then yes, that would give me an extra 10 days or so. I think your 2 more week estimate sounds about right. Thanks for your thoughtful reply. And thanks to everyone who has chimed in. And they are frosty as heck. Here's a 15 gm wet nug I cut...
  16. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    New stigma on all the buds. Trichs char and cloudy, but almost no amber at all. They are continuing to pack on mass. It's day 56 of flower. They were supposed to be done in 50 days. It looks like they may go to 70. I'm going to continue Lightly feeding them.
  17. vhawk

    56 days in flower, these buds close at all? Ugh

    Just took these. Each from a different plant. I think they are representative. I have an idea what to look for when they are ready, I'm just asking for guesstimates on how long till that happens.
  18. vhawk

    56 days in flower, these buds close at all? Ugh

    This is day 56 since I switched to 12 hours of Darkness (And I'm not sure why autocorrect decided to capitalize Darkness, but I'm going to leave it there because it's amusing me). The buds are still growing and getting fatter. My impatience has me anxious, and grinding my teeth in my sleep...
  19. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    Just under the main colas are these sticky little buds. Trichomes are still mostly clear all over. Day 52 of flower.
  20. vhawk

    ***hermies*** : Everything you need to know! Faqs

    Thanks for the replies. Can I freeze pollen if I want to store it?