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  1. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    Still not ready. Day 48 of flower. Lots of fresh light yellow pistils showing all over the buds. Almost no amber trichs seen. I think it's going to go about a week or more over the breeders estimated flowering.
  2. vhawk

    How bad is...

    How bad is missing a ripe nanner from a female plant that went hermaphrodite? I know that it'll put to seed the current grow. What I really want to know is what does it take to decontaminate the pollen in an indoor grow tent? Will there be pollen forever getting blown around like Anthrax spores...
  3. vhawk

    ***hermies*** : Everything you need to know! Faqs

    If you had a herme actually open up and release pollen what do you have to do to decontaminate the a grow tent? I can just imagine little pollen grains forever blowing around like anthrax spores.
  4. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    You can see that the ladies are a bit too leggy. I let them veg for 2 weeks too long. Would have worked great if I had twice the space. Had to whack a bit of growth. It was painful. I think with the lighting I have, 30 inches total height, plus defoliation training and topping, I should get...
  5. vhawk

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    If a thread hasn't degenerated into people calling each other nazi's after 440 pages then the OP has brought us a golden goose of a thread. Let it keep laying golden eggs. And really who tries to catch up on a 440 page thread? That's silly.
  6. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    Same bud from one week ago. I think it's thickening up. Day 38 of flower Even the leaves I'm pruning for light are frosty
  7. vhawk

    Which beans to germ next, poll

    What's the ak47 smell like?
  8. vhawk

    Which beans to germ next, poll

    Interesting votes. The Scott's has a great lemony smell and turns the gf into a raving nymphomaniac. Which isn't always a good thing since what I need is a college frat house to back me up. That other strain that's leading now...I could make a garland of dried buds and wear it around my neck...
  9. vhawk

    Which beans to germ next, poll

    1st grow will be harvested in a couple weeks. I've been collecting seeds (I can see where seed collecting could get addicting). What beans would you sprout next given the choices in the poll? If you have a darling utter favorite to grow I didn't list, shout it out. I grow for fun, and to give...
  10. vhawk

    Trichs close to ripe?

    I'm at day 35. Northern Lights #5. Don't see any amber trichs, they all look cloudy though. Still a week or two before harvest? This magnifier attachment is great fun. I'm a 46 yo child with it.
  11. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

  12. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    Day 36. They are now needing water every 24hrs. I'm hoping that thirst means the buds are going to really thicken up
  13. vhawk

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    My first grow, 33 days in flower. Northern lights. 400w hps. Tiny 2x4x6ft tent Haven't killed them yet. Fingers crossed.
  14. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    Haven't killed them yet. Today's pic's, day 33 of flower. Under 400w HPS with supplemental CFL on the edges, 2x4x6 tent. Hypnotized by how frosty they are. So pretty.
  15. vhawk

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    If I can cut the heat output I'll be able to grow straight through the summer without A/C. It's a San Francisco, ocean coast type climate. But does get in the 80's in July and August. I run led lights at night and off during the warm part of the day I'll be good. If my budget wasn't practical...
  16. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    Upgrading the lighting to led next grow. Only 1 plant in that space next time too. Moving it around less then I did this grow. Lost a big top by accident. More solid training plan as well. Lollipop and defoliation I'm now thinking work against each other. Today's pic. Day 30 on 12/12.
  17. vhawk

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    I like that bar. It looks like it'll throw a light foot print that matches the shape of my space. Guess I'll pull an extra shift at work.
  18. vhawk

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    How much then would a decent system cost psuagro? Prebuilt.
  19. vhawk

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    24"×48"×72" tent. Recommendations for under $300? One light for veg and flower. Thanks for any help.
  20. vhawk

    Anyone feed with every watering?

    Thanks Bryan. The buds are growing and fattening up nicely. I think I'll be feeding nearly daily until the last week.