Search results

  1. asurah

    + Rep For Garden Help

    Cilantro/Coriander - grow for leaves to use in salsa/Mexican food. Will flower (bolt) fast in a few weeks under hot conditions and then you can harvest for coriander seeds. Japanese turnips - Certain varieties can be harvested in about 30 to 40 days. Such as 'Hakurei'. You can grow miniature...
  2. asurah

    Need Help! What Is This Plant?

    Looks like a basil, but this one must be an unusual cultivar. Basil leaves are usually more elliptic. Good way to tell if it's basil, of course, tear off a little of the tip and crush it to smell. Should smell like basil/licoricy. If it doesn't smell. It could be another plant such as Celosia...
  3. asurah

    Guerrilla Warfare - Part 2 - Diesel Ryder, Auto Blueberry, Auto Assassin

    Cool. Are those the seeds you got from Castle? And I wanted to ask how are you going to keep them from cross pollination?
  4. asurah

    Castle Seed Bank Review

    Actually, I have gotten packages from Asia that were screened by customs in Chicago and then it was screened again in LA. And yeah the weird thing is that it went straight from Asia to Chicago's customs (as noted in tracking) first passing LA and then back to LA customs. So sometimes they do...
  5. asurah

    help with nirvana seed bank

    Make sure it's one that allows international transactions. Some gift cards can't be used for purchases through businesses outside the US. like just paranoid said, the one to go with is the green dot from walgreens.
  6. asurah

    ****Please READ - If you use your DEBIT or Credit Card*******

    I have a Visa with BoA. And they have this thing called ShopSafe where you create a temporary card # and select the dollar limit and date limit. I use it on almost every online purchase (if not through PayPal). It's free to use and the point of it is that you aren't giving out your actual...
  7. asurah

    Castle Seed Bank Review

    Thanks man. LOL. I live around Los Angeles and I think the customs here is more tough than anywhere in the US. Part of the reason I even bothered with Castle was cuz they say they rarely get complaints about lost or intercepted packages and I thought they have a unique way of stealth shipping (I...
  8. asurah

    Castle Seed Bank Review

    I ordered from them like 2 or 3 days ago and they haven't sent me a tracking number yet. It's it normal for them to wait a few days before shipping? Or should I email them about it? Its regular shipping (no guarnatee or anything) so I'm not sure if such gets a tracking number or not. I ordered...
  9. asurah

    C*stoms in California (shipping question)

    Thanks man. I went through TGA's list and ordered some seeds from Castle...funny thing is they charged me tax! WTF. I only ordered about 20 pounds worth, so its no biggie to me if it gets confiscated. I am just worried that I might get put on some no fly list/watchlist or something. lol
  10. asurah

    C*stoms in California (shipping question)

    Thanks. I checked pickandmixseeds and too bad they don't ship over my way. :( Those prices looked good too. :'( As for the plants I ordere, one example is some plant bulbs for my aquarium on ebay from Asia. These are like the size of an walnut. The seller sent it in a padded envelope and...
  11. asurah

    C*stoms in California (shipping question)

    Thanks. But like I said, c*stoms tends to open any package from overseas. If it's just wrapped inside a shirt, then that's not really "stealth" is it? Do you know of any site that ships it in something like a sealed CD or DVD?
  12. asurah

    C*stoms in California (shipping question)

    Those from Cali, especially So Cal, can you post your experiences with ordering beans through the mail? Whats the best methods to select? I have ordered a lot of things from overseas yet c*stoms always opens most of my packages. I've gotten the "letter" many times for ordering seeds and...