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  1. MRsteverson

    LED Grow Lights: Separating Fact from Fiction

    leds blow and cfls make them look silly....
  2. MRsteverson

    first time grower got some ???

    if your going to use cfls 2 inches is way to far.. if you look into cfls you will find after a inch the lumins go way downn by over 50%. on top of that you should only have the sides of the cfl facing the canopy... socket side face up is used to give light to the side or bottom....the side or...
  3. MRsteverson

    Is this a girl?

    nice hairs comming from the nodes.. you got a baby girl.. congrats
  4. MRsteverson


    just imagine if it was lollypopped... your plant could make full use of all your lights energy and not loose most of it after 24 inches... depended on your light this could be more or less... but its a fact that the small flully buds will not be as potent due to their maturity unless you have...
  5. MRsteverson

    Is Orange Crush the same as Ca Orange BUd?

    i just germinated 34 orange crush seeds... i really dont know anything about the strain??? indica hybrid sativa?? yield and flowering time?? anyone know
  6. MRsteverson

    Help Plant 8 weeks into flowering has leaves browning and getting crunchy

    just saw this post.. yeah the cfls are too far away... get them like a inche off.. but i see you are running hps as well i can tell cause of the effect the wave length of light in some of the picture.... whats the temperature in there???? has it become a problem recently as the plant stretches...
  7. MRsteverson

    Party Cup SOG-Soil- 34 orange crush

    ok two days almost all the seeds cracked and taproots poking out.. some are already 1/4 inch long... got some soil in 5oz dixie cups and buried my seeds one a piece... now i got 34 seeds in dixie cups under a cfl on top of my germination heat mat... cant wait for them to break the surface...
  8. MRsteverson

    Party Cup SOG-Soil- 34 orange crush

    almost all seeds sank.. now inside a plastic bag wrapped in towel on my seed heating mat... keep ya posted
  9. MRsteverson

    How many CFL lights do I need?

    he wants to go stealth... u want least 3000 lumins per foot square... and u want to position the bulbs horizontally.. most of the cfls energy comes from the side of the spiral... and yeah.. 2700k for flower and 6500k for veg... u want to surround your plant in cfls.. try to get them all about an...
  10. MRsteverson

    Party Cup SOG-Soil- 34 orange crush

    hello everyone... I have some extra seed floating around after getting the same strain for a bit.. I have 34 seeds saved up from the orange krush.. 12 hours ago i placed them in water and will check on them tomorrow... My plan is to grow entirely under cfls and use only party/keg cups... 16...
  11. MRsteverson

    how long left to go

    id say another 4-6 weeks... can chop at 4 but wait... or get the microscope like i said for 20 bucks and check the trichomes yourself
  12. MRsteverson

    how long left to go

    when did u start to flower? what type of lighting? hydro or soil?? hook me up with this info and maybe what strain it is and we can make an educated guess... best bet is to get a handheld micro scope and check the color of the thrichomes.. clear is too early milky is like half way amber is fully...
  13. MRsteverson

    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    i never got a male or hermie from nirvana fems... and thats like 30 female seeds.. only problem was some didnt germinate.. i made them send me replacements until they did... but next grow i get im just going to get 2 seed packs of ten regular and see how that goes
  14. MRsteverson

    Free Nutes

    free nutes are great nutes when your broke.. thanks a million +rep comming
  15. MRsteverson

    Which week to cut off lower 1/3 branches when lollipopping

    i do it the same.. 1st and 3rd week of flowering... i like the plant to have all its leaves and shoots during veg
  16. MRsteverson


    youcan lollipop a several cola plant as well... bottom 1/3 can be done even in flowering but not recommended for over stress... personally i do it the first week of flowering then remove any additional bud site growth below that point... i
  17. MRsteverson

    Can hydro taste as good as soil??

    nice work my man, kool aid bud.. some people just dont understand science.... i heard if you feed a chicken snickers it will taste like snickers lmao...... like the same thing that dude said... absolutely outrageous
  18. MRsteverson

    Can hydro taste as good as soil??

    soils dirty though... i dont like dirt i like water... i am just a deep water hydro whore..... thinking of doing a stealth cfl grow in soil...this way i remove the air pump and most of my noise..... i got 8 papaya clones under a 27watt cfl right now.. waiting for some nubbies then i will figgure...
  19. MRsteverson

    LED Grow Lights: Separating Fact from Fiction

    ok ok ok facts facts facts... checked out that site.... 999 for a 85 watt led... lmao second yes alot of enegy output in a hps is heat and unusable light... do the math... u say 75 percent lets run with that... ok now for shits and giggles lets say i am running a 600 watt hps.... now that...
  20. MRsteverson

    Can hydro taste as good as soil??

    i know most of the best tasting bud and almost every amsterdamn grow i have ever seen uses soil... there must be a reason behind it... i hate when people get offended so easy on here.. everyones got something to say or add so just be preceptive