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  1. MRsteverson

    nutes help, using miracle grow to vedge

    lol did u watch the same video? lol
  2. MRsteverson

    nutes help, using miracle grow to vedge

    look at this video and tell me u want to spend 5 bucks less to get that shitty mg bud lol
  3. MRsteverson

    nutes help, using miracle grow to vedge

    miracle grow sucks.. its not even worth growing unless you do it correctly.. the difference between crap fertalizer like mg and something good like fox farms is like 5 bucks... dont slack on nutrients.. its just as bad as slacking with light.. you wont get a quarter as much and it will be a...
  4. MRsteverson

    nutes help, using miracle grow to vedge

    do yourself a big favor.. go on youtube and search for "white trash nutrient challenge"... watch the results...
  5. MRsteverson

    Will a Cutting Root Outdoors?

    open air cloning is a good choice if u just want to do afew.. theres stuff on here about it.. essentially the clone has roots before its even cut from the main plant...snip and plant
  6. MRsteverson

    Help Please... Pics

    how goes it brother
  7. MRsteverson

    Is Bubbleponic really any good?

    fog is cheapest and best bet in my opinion... only need the fogger and float.. air stone and pump bin with net pots and some growing medium fogger w/ float from ebay 40 bucks net pots 35cents a pop... air stone pump and tubing 15 bucks rubber tub 8 bucks so for 70 bucks ur all ready to...
  8. MRsteverson

    Help Please... Pics

    ph issues usually start with uniform discoloration on the leaves.. usually starts at the tips of the leave.. it looks to be like lack of oxygen or overwatering..
  9. MRsteverson

    Light and Heat issues...

    word... overkill for that small a place and with 4 plants... 50 watts of hps per plant with a light that can be twice as close... hmmmm yeah deffinately better to go with a 200w seeing your space.. unless u want to get a 3X3 spot and get a 400... but really if u know how to grow anything over...
  10. MRsteverson

    Is Bubbleponic really any good?

    5 gallon is cool if u want to veg for months... but i suggest getting a rubber tub from walmart for like 10 bucks with a lid... then u just buy net pots an air pump and a fogger... u can litterally make a clean system for under 100 bucks... and it can house 5 plants... in less then 1.5 X 1.5...
  11. MRsteverson

    Is Bubbleponic really any good?

    hey smile have u tried a fogger in your system? me and some of my good friends have been having faster growth rates then are old areoponics systems... the fogger is so quiet i forget its there until i pull out a net pot and get fogged out lol
  12. MRsteverson

    Is Bubbleponic really any good?

    usually u need to change the res like 2 times a month... make the system so lid lifts off with the pllants in their net pots chill in the lid and just have a friend hold it or suspend it over the sink... then u can rinse the bin and theeres no issues.. and u need to add water to the res.. make...
  13. MRsteverson

    Is Bubbleponic really any good?

    bubbleponics is great... if u get the right sized container u dont even need the silly water pump... i prefer simplicity... and for me the best thing i found was set up a bubbleponics system... air stone on bottom... net pots cut into lid.... but instead of the waterpump and tubing to the roots...
  14. MRsteverson

    Nirvana Seeds is Amazing!!

    i got two black wallets and one white one lol.... i use it to pay for shit at the hydroponics shop and the guy tells me about the best 8 week flowering nutrients lol.... i guess he must know about the nirvana wallets too.... lol and people who are hating on nirvana need to do their research...
  15. MRsteverson

    Light and Heat issues...

    what kind of dairy are u making lol... cheese or milk? maybe yogurt
  16. MRsteverson

    Light and Heat issues...

    i cant vouch for the 90w ufo in flowering tho... i used my 400 watt hps for them because i have other seedlings that needed the pure lightban they require to photosythesize... the proper leds make the plants the heathiest green i have ever seen along with the help of my organic nutes me and my...
  17. MRsteverson

    Nirvana Seeds is Amazing!!

    do your research.. urban poison is an indoor of durban poison, ... all their strains are bomb.. haters gonna hate i guess...
  18. MRsteverson

    growing sativas in the northeast?

    snowing today... how those plants doing ;P