Search results

  1. U

    Who stores seeds with Desiccant

    :raise hand: you could just go to wally world and take some out of say the shoe boxes [got mine from a backpack, purse, socks, etc. lol]. probably safe with a 5gram [doesn't the packet size just determine how much moisture it can absorb]
  2. U

    Grow at 6wks in +rep for opinions

    yes they will fill in more during the last few weeks. i say try and drop your pH a bit next round and see how it works out
  3. U

    Texas Growers Unite!

    seconded. to hell with possession charges.
  4. U

    Pestile or hermie?

    all i see is a cluster fuck of trichs.
  5. U

    Grow at 6wks in +rep for opinions

    correct pH? ppm? etc. you're at 6weeks, might as well take this as a learning opportunity and keep everything in mind for your next run.
  6. U

    40yr old heirloom Red haired with RED crystals?!

    good lord that's pretty. almost looks like the calyx's are seeded!
  7. U

    Does anyone breed AND clone seeds?

    cloning is carrying on the same exact traits as the mother. breeding on the other hand is starting a brand new set of plant in hopes to finding a certain set of characteristics that aren't prevalent in any other strain and building upon that set and trying to make a majority of the genes...
  8. U

    Grow at 6wks in +rep for opinions

    looks nice, aside from dying leaves. don't shy away from nutes, just feed at a lower dose and work up. there is absolutely no way to tell how much you will pull; if you want an answer to that might want to try a fortune teller.
  9. U

    40yr old heirloom Red haired with RED crystals?!

    technically all trichs can be red if left to mature completely.
  10. U

    Pop upps!!!!!!!mods read

    got that same message trying to click a thread link through google.
  11. U

    cotyledons = node?

    oh shiznit (whoever read my pre-edit: i reflect my avatar right now)
  12. U

    Pop upps!!!!!!!mods read

    pop ups stopped but for some reason have to refresh to load the page completely. only with riu
  13. U

    I have read to much and am confused , plz help .....

    fresh air has more CO2 than stagnant air so more exhaust is better.
  14. U

    Allow stretch for more clones?

    wtf you talking about willis (i know a it will shoot out every which way but how on earth do you think that's the best way?! did it once and it was in-fact cool as fuck but took like 4weeks to root!) but to answer the OP's question: in a way. usually for moms I keep lights farther away than...
  15. U

    Party Cup Contest *with prizes

    down. Got a couple in cups already.
  16. U

    Pc grow box affect my electric bill??

    at most you're looking at ~5bucks a month considering the variable that you leave the lights on 24hrs a day for 31days(picked the longest month) other guys that posted have the same answer but ehh, reinforcement. first time being drunk in a while, don't mind me.
  17. U

    Where to buy zipper for grow tent?

    home depot. they're called tarp zippers.
  18. U

    is fluhing before harvest really important?

    lets say that it took you say ~8weeks to get where you are... why fuck it up now? [i say flush] why in the hell is everything in bold now?
  19. U

    >=O Damnit

    15 year olds are dumb; don't beat his ass. [may go and tell on you if you got a garden] just give him one of those middle eastern back-handed slaps.