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  1. Sgt. Pepper

    1st Grow Whatcha Think?

    Thanks again MostlyCrazy. I'll see what I can do to raise the r/h.
  2. Sgt. Pepper

    1st Grow Whatcha Think?

    I'll go and get a few more stones, I'm kinda limited there as I only have a bunch of little fish tank pumps on hand, I need to go and get a couple commercial air pumps next month. Thanks for the advise. +rep
  3. Sgt. Pepper

    1st Grow Whatcha Think?

    Yeah i noticed that on a few of'em, wasn't sure why that was. The r/h has been between 45% - 55%. So it should be higher than that for vegging right? What about when i go to flower them whats a general # to shoot for then? Thanks for your tip. +rep
  4. Sgt. Pepper

    1st Grow Whatcha Think?

    LOL I forgot to mention they are at day 28 in the pics. I made a mistake today. When i was checking ph level today at 2:30 before i had to run errands, I forgot to plug the water pump back in :( and didn't relize it until 7:00. I haven't seen anything abnormal yet. I sure hope this isn't a...
  5. Sgt. Pepper

    1st Grow Whatcha Think?

    Thanks for replying people. + Rep for everyone
  6. Sgt. Pepper

    1st Grow Whatcha Think?

    Looking for some more feedback - Bump
  7. Sgt. Pepper

    1st Grow Whatcha Think?

    Thanks BradyBoe. Sure wish i had a nug to smoke:joint:, and I'd settle for a pound :)
  8. Sgt. Pepper

    1st Grow Whatcha Think?

    Well, this is my 1st grow ever. I just added General Hydroponics (half strength) nutrients 7 days ago because i saw some browning of a couple leaves (pic 1). I'm using 4 40w floro tubes per tote (2 cool & 2 warm). The plants in the beige tote were not put into the tote until day 21 for $$...
  9. Sgt. Pepper

    Noob ? Hydro Nutes in Soil?

    Thanks for replies people. I appreciate your help.
  10. Sgt. Pepper

    Noob ? Hydro Nutes in Soil?

    Thanks dirtyboy. I blew my wad for the month on my hydoponics. I had 2 plants left over that won't fit into my hydro setup, so my wife just put them in soil. I'm using Gen. Hydroponics nutes, If the 2 in soil die it wont be the end of the world, but I'd like to keep them if possible. With my...
  11. Sgt. Pepper

    Noob ? Hydro Nutes in Soil?

    Would it be ok to water soiled plants with hydroponic nutes? Or would it be better to let them grow without any nutes for a month more. The fake leaves are yellow now. They're 3 weeks old.
  12. Sgt. Pepper

    HELP! Wife against idea of me having a grow room..

    Ok I have to chime in here, as a human being 1st and a man/husband 2nd. In my understanding of this, Before they decided to buy a new house it was understood that he wanted to grow when they moved. (This is what I picture- Husband- Dear what do you think about buying a new home? Wife- Oh daddy...
  13. Sgt. Pepper

    My $3 Carbon Filter

    Are you working on reinventing the wheel too? jk :) Great stuff panhead +rep
  14. Sgt. Pepper

    Best Site For Seeds To Us?

    I just got 15 WW from all of them sprouted. I'm not sure about the genetics yet but I'm hopefull.
  15. Sgt. Pepper

    first time grow light questions

    Check this out, it will most likely help.
  16. Sgt. Pepper

    I think They have the Wilts

    I am going to assume that since nobody has said anything about the white residue, that it's normal.
  17. Sgt. Pepper

    I think They have the Wilts

    They are nice and green at the tips and gradually yellowing the closer you get to the center of the plant.
  18. Sgt. Pepper

    1st Aero grow problem

    I placed my seedling White Widows in my home made Aero/DWC tub. They were doing great for 7 days. Today on the 8th day they're starting to wilt. I noticed some white residue on a tray that I'm using to catch the dripping from the lid hinge. I use tap water that's been aired out for 2-4 days...
  19. Sgt. Pepper

    I think They have the Wilts

    Ok will do ---------
  20. Sgt. Pepper

    I think They have the Wilts

    Well I guess I'm going to turn that water off and keep an eye on them. Any other suggestions? + rep