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  1. Jmend

    Is my light Too Close to the plants?

    I started my viparspectra 900w at 30" and I had leaf burn. I moved it up to 40" and it's been fine since! Both plants are growing very fast!
  2. Jmend

    Clones showing burn?

    Got it! Yea even after dropping my carbon filter fan down to Low the highest my humidity ever hit was 40 last night. I will look into purchasing a little humidifier for my closet. On the plus side there are no new burn marks so i think it had 99% to do with the way I introduced the light to my...
  3. Jmend

    Clones showing burn?

    It's lights out right now so I turned down the carbon filter to the lowest speed to keep air movement going. Temperatures are also at 71 so nothing to cool down. My humidity should rise to 45% overnight. There was also no new burn on any leaves since raising the LED to 40". I'll update in the AM...
  4. Jmend

    Clones showing burn?

    My Rh sits around 38% with my carbon filter running on high to cool the closet down from heat generated from led light. If I turn it down to medium my RH is about a 44% but then the heat goes up to about 89 degrees.
  5. Jmend

    Clones showing burn?

    Cool thanks!
  6. Jmend

    Clones showing burn?

    Just switched my clones over from 2 T12 40w bulbs to a 900w viparspectra led and I'm starting to see burn looking marks on the leafs. I transplanted these clones from solo cups on 6/16 and their last watering was on 6/21 where I gave them 1 TSP ( quarter of the weekly recommendation, didn't...
  7. Jmend

    My first grow- Northern Lights and Amnesia

    Ran into a few issues over the weekend. Tried setting up my 1000w mh light for my 2 clones but it launched up my grow cloest to 94 degrees! I think it sent my seedlings into shock which caused 3 of the 6 to die. I still have 3 seedlings left 1 looks really good then the other 2 not so much. Im...
  8. Jmend

    My first grow- Northern Lights and Amnesia

    Alright we've got some week 1 action going on. As of today all 6 plants have come up and are growing towards the light. I'm currently running a t12 shop light with 2 48" daylight deluxe bulbs. I watered the strawberry and pineapple 2 days ago with water only. I watered the 3 NL and 3 amnesia...
  9. Jmend

    My first grow- Northern Lights and Amnesia

    After 56 hours all 6 seeds had popped and it was time to plant them. Planted all 6 seeds into jiffy organic seed starter mix and cups. Temps inside the dome are running 74-79 degrees and a humidity level of 53-59. It's almost been 24 hours since planting the seeds should have some sprouts in a...
  10. Jmend

    My first grow- Northern Lights and Amnesia

    Quick update at 44 hours from placing seeds into wet paper towel I have 2 amnesia and 2 northern lights showing tap root so I will be planting those little gals tonight when i get off work. I also received two clones from a buddy of mine so i will be incorporating a pineapple express and a...
  11. Jmend

    My first grow- Northern Lights and Amnesia

    Just received my seeds in the mail that I ordered from If anyone is wondering the order was placed on 5/29, the order shipped 5/31 and I received them today on 6/8 to Cali. Wife and I decided to order 3 northern light auto fem and 3 amnesia fem seeds. I have started the...