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  1. Tr33top

    Plants Leaves are Dry,Thin And Yellow Need Help Please

    hey thanks for the reply i let the humidifier stay on for 24 hours and still no change (humidity is still at 20) so i added a big bowl of water,sprit soda bottle (20 fl oz) with the top cutoff,and a 18qt dish pan. lol i know that alot of water. im gonna check out the humidity tommorrow. you...
  2. Tr33top

    Plants Leaves are Dry,Thin And Yellow Need Help Please

    Im not using any nutes cant really afford at the moment. But My soil has nutes in it i believe(MG moisture control). Bag says it last for three months. Uh i have two other plants thats look pretty good Lmk if you would like to see them plus there starting to feel paper like almost similar to...
  3. Tr33top

    Plants Leaves are Dry,Thin And Yellow Need Help Please

    ok thanks but how do i raise my humidity. I have a lil container of water sitting in there should i put a bigger container Cool the water before i put it in the grow room. will the low humidity affect my other plants they seem to be doing alright
  4. Tr33top

    Plants Leaves are Dry,Thin And Yellow Need Help Please

    Hey Guys i have been growing these babys for three weeks and they were growing fine until one day i took a nap and when i woke up and checked on my babys and the dam lights fell on two of them and burnt some of the plants leafs. I cut the ugly parts off(the burnt parts).I was hoping it woud...
  5. Tr33top

    NEW cfl grow

    No Problem Apache Hey wtfdood hows the frozen water bottle treating you is it helping you at all. Plants are looking great btw making my mouth drool as we speak.
  6. Tr33top

    NEW cfl grow

    Well I dont really know exactly but i would say about 7-10 degrees plus my grow space is in a lil closet . i have one of the standing rotating fans circulating the air and a small 10inch fan blowing the hot/cold air up (hot from the bulbs and cold from the frozen bottles)
  7. Tr33top

    NEW cfl grow

    Hey there im a noob at growing and the site but what does it matter. I too have heat problems and couldnt find a solution so i got some 2 liter coke bottles filled them with water froze them till they got rock hard added them to my grow space and it reduced the temp drastically.But i suggest...
  8. Tr33top

    seeds on sale

    has any one used there credit card/debit/giftcard. was curious because i was thinking of using paypal. and if you did us any cards did they put it as gift under your statement or what.just curious because i was thinking of just using a gift card to be on the same side.
  9. Tr33top

    20 seeds 20 bux

    hey i want to try this. but im not sure if this is the real deal or what but 20bucks wouldnt hurt. Will putting a fake name to deliever too mess up the delivery.
  10. Tr33top

    Seedling Problems

    Thanks for the info man ill keep that in mind for my next grow. and Londoner you were right my il l baby past away yesterday and thanks for the link it was very helpfull.
  11. Tr33top

    Seedling Problems

    o wow i didnt know that thanks. so the cooler the grow room the quicker and healthier the grow i think i got it. keep the tips coming guys. ill make sure to use it. one more question after the seeds germinate how much wattage of lights should i put on the plant when it comes out he ground. im...
  12. Tr33top

    Seedling Problems

    oh thanks ganjaman i was thnking i had a retarded plant update the plant is looking worse but i still have hope.
  13. Tr33top

    Seedling Problems

    any more suggestions all are welcome.
  14. Tr33top

    Seedling Problems

    Thanks for the info peedy89 ill check the stem rot section also to see if they have any suggestions.
  15. Tr33top

    Seedling Problems

    Thx for the info i was wondering if it was weed to because it didnt have the leaves that makes it stand out as a marijuana plant. I got some seeds from my friend he said they were dank. But anyway ill give your idea a shot and let you know the results thanks again.
  16. Tr33top

    Seedling Problems

    thanks foor the response i was starting to think no on would answer. I havent fed them any nutes. I am using Miracle Grow moisture control and i believe the soil feeds the plants for 90days that could be the prob. should i switch the soil or what.
  17. Tr33top

    Seedling Problems

    Hey everyone im new to this site plus growing. let me start of by thanking everyone in advance for there help. I have two plants that i am currently growing for about a week.Every thing was fine until i spotted the stem wilting,drying but the plant looked ok. A couple days later i noticed a leaf...