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    cooltube and plastic fan?????

    What's a cool tube?
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    Help w/ Barney Farms LSD

    I thought 13" was short myself. How was it BTW? I am gong to upgrade to a HPS but what watt do you recomend?
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    Help w/ Barney Farms LSD

    Hell Yeah glad i aint the only one that thought the LSD looked good. Thanks I may keep the foil on for right now due to the fact that my soil has been wet all week and it seems to help dry it out some? What you think? But will definetly note the foil and hot spots!
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    Help w/ Barney Farms LSD

    Has anyone had any experiences with this strand? I did some searching and didn't really find anything. It will be my first real indoor grow. My Setup: Currently the growing is done in a trailor that stays around 75 constantly with use of the heater. I currently only have a 75w FL grow light...
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    Preperation for my first grow.

    Whats the best way to get rid of the smell or is there a way to prevent it? The grow room is inside of a small trailor. How would you ventilate this?
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    First timer questions

    First Post: I am a newbie to growin, and i germinated my seeds by letting them float in distilled water until they sank to the bottom and than planted them in plastic cups with a 75w grow light over top of them. It has been almost a week and have yet to see any sprots. I used miracle grow not...