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    is 12 12 best for flowering

    Keep a
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    is 12 12 best for flowering

    When did you know it was time to switch light cycles? Just let the plant tell you or what?
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    LSD Grow...Has Comenced!

    So I went and turned on my lights and what a surprise I have two serated leaves apearing. Currently the sprout is in a jiffy pot with miracle grow, and will be transfering to a more organic soil once it is safe, unless yall have a better idea. Or could I just start sprinkling the organic soil...
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    LSD Grow...Has Comenced!

    Yeah its not an auto. But right now i have two T5 FL and one 75w growing light from wal-mart. I thought 18-6 is the best as weel it seems to do all its growing at night anyway. REP for everyone.
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    LSD Grow...Has Comenced!

    Ok so I germinated 1 seed and....SUCESS it sprouted and within 2 days broke the soil and one week in; it is almost 4 inches tall. No big leaves yet though. So question what light cycle should I start currently at 18-6, is this ok? :leaf:
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    How to get those gooey buds that defy gravity!!!

    I don't understand, more cuts? I mean once you cut it off the plant its off, so where would you apply more cuts? I don't see how this would do anything but dry out everything too much? In other words please EXPLAIN.
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    Short stocky plants

    It's too early to tell sex. Just have patience man, sometime the ones that act like their not gonna make it will be the ones that hit a growth spurt and out grow the rest of your plants.
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    seedling deformation

    Don't worry man, thats sounds and looks awesome to me!
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    Seed is sprouting...

    LOL my thoughts exactly. There was a big thread where everyone went back and forth arguing over which way to put the seed in. And half said sprout down and the outher said up. So beats me and the best way but I learn the hard way so we will see how it does.
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    Seed is sprouting...

    I also added 2 T5 FL bulbs.
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    First harvest, not sure if it's ready (with pics)

    I have always been told when 90% of the crystals are milky and the other 10% are turning brown or amberish.
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    Seed is sprouting...

    I now have twp sprouts little white root poking through the soil. My lighting schedule has been 18/6 should I now bump it to 12/12?
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    Help please :)

    Thats not the point man, you don't see it so you obviously are to young to be doing this man.
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    Let's say...

    Take the fan directly off them if it is. You don't need a fan directly in them, you just need the air around them to be. The fan will help promote get air exchange aswell.
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    Is This a qood Liqht ?

    hmm... you will certainly need some more wattage how much I am not sure, but sure someone in here will tell you.
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    Is This a qood Liqht ?

    I mean how many watts is your current bulb? I was told that if your gonna use flouresent bulbs than the T5 are the best, I currently just use a 75w FL and it keeps the room its at at 75-78 degrees. But it all depends on what stage your plant is in.
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    Is This a qood Liqht ?

    If its broke why fix it?
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    Seed is sprouting...

    I did this and it didn't work for me and my set up. I just looked at them and I can see the tip of one of them starting to poke through!!! But thanks you for your advice friend.
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    How do i reduce the smell!!!!!Help

    Why not leave it on?
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    Can harvested plants be re-grown?

    Now what if you chop and leave some leaves?