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  1. T

    have a nosey and please post ur comments

    Nice job, plants are looking good! Did you top them or anything during veg?
  2. T

    Need advice on whether or not to top

    My biggest one is about 5.5 inches, I know I received very small clones, only about an inch when I received them. They are definitely not as big as the ones in your pics. Again if height is not an issue, is topping still going to make that big of a difference in yield?
  3. T

    Question reqarding hermaphrodites

    I know for a fact that there weren't any males in the in the room. And yes some of the plants might have been stressed early in life, but not on purpose. So its a good chance its not a hermie then?
  4. T

    Question reqarding hermaphrodites

    anybody have any experience with hermies?
  5. T

    Need advice on whether or not to top

    Is topping going to make that big of difference vs. just letting them grow for 4 weeks? I don't really have any height issues.. Don't have any pics right know, I'll try to get some up soon
  6. T

    Need advice on whether or not to top

    The reason that that I'm only flowering 4 plants, is that I don't have enough room in my grow space for 9 plants in 5 gallon buckets, or even 6 plants in 5 gallon buckets. I would also prefer bigger denser nuggets than a bunch of smaller ones.
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    Need advice on whether or not to top

    6 of them are clones, and the 3 seeds came from a hermie so they might also be females
  8. T

    Need advice on whether or not to top

    I have 6 pink kush and afghan kush cuttings which I put in the dirt 2 weeks ago and 3 pink kush seedlings that popped out around the same time. I plan on keeping the 4 healthiest looking plants and transplanting into 5 gallon buckets. I have to start flowering in 4 weeks to leave myself enough...
  9. T

    using tap water for watering

    Good to know, I have always used distilled water from the store and it gets expensive. My last grow I had 3 pink kush and 1 NL and I was going through about 6 gallons a week during flowering, I'll have to give tap water a shot.
  10. T

    Question reqarding hermaphrodites

    My buddy had a Pink Kush plant that developed seeds late in flowering. The pink kush was originally grown from clone and that particular plant was the 6th generation. I germinated the seeds which are about a week and half old plants now, they look healthy right now, but my question is are these...
  11. T

    ATTN Apartment growers

    Just finished a grow in my apt. I had 4 plants under a 600w HPS in my bathroom without any kind of grow box or anything. Landlord stopped by for inspection once and I just locked my bedroom door and said my room mate was gone. It was pretty shady though in the last 3 weeks of flowering my...
  12. T

    No crystals on my female???

    Yea sorry, no camera. I guess from what you guys are saying all is fine then. I was just under the impression from seeing my buddies plants that crystals develop relatively soon after you start flowering. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens. Another thing I noticed in the last...
  13. T

    No crystals on my female???

    Even if it does need more time, it's been flowering for 6 weeks already shouldn't I at least see some crystals, and shouldn't the buds be bigger and more dense. The buds are tiny but are full of white pistils. :?
  14. T

    No crystals on my female???

    I checked the sensi seed website and it said that my Northern Light is mainly indica, and on the site it says that it takes 45-55 days for flowering. I'm at about 45 days now and it doesn't even look close to being ready. Sorry I don't have a camera to take a picture of it, but ill try and...
  15. T

    No crystals on my female???

    So I have been flowering her for 6 weeks now under a 600w hps and it is about 3.5 feet tall. The problem is the buds look very skimpy and they have no crystals on them. I got it as a clone of a NL grown from a seed, purchased from sensi seed bank. I'm using general hydroponics nutes (got them...