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  1. G

    is this LST alright?

    I do have limited space, very limited i plan on making a circle type shape in the box so i fill it up but not where it is breaking out my box.
  2. G

    is this LST alright?

    yea same here i get so excited about the LST and nervous bout cutting things ima start off small and hopefully everything starts off good.
  3. G

    flowering at 4 inches how tall will my plant be?

    alright man thanks will work on keeping my soil wet. Even if it does dry out i water every day. my roots suck the water up so damn fast haha i can't imagine a 5 foot plant....or a 12 foot plant! hahah anyway thanks again.
  4. G

    seed question

    my seed took like 24 hours to crack. then the one after took 5 days so just keep them wet, like Onit said... wait a week before giving up.
  5. G


    dude use a carbon filter around the fan sites where you suck the air out of the grow area. if that is not an option try ONA gel pellets check amazon cheap there. if all else isnt good then you can't go wrong with febreeze or pinesol baby! =P hope that helps bro. also if no one else lives with...
  6. G

    flowering at 4 inches how tall will my plant be?

    I understand most of what you mean but in my situation i have a 26 watt cfl which is growing my plant quite well. But what if i take the clone and plant it like next to the mother in a different cup would that be alright? i can also reduce the light it gets by putting it father away from the...
  7. G

    flowering at 4 inches how tall will my plant be?

    hey just wondering what if i do what you say top then flower the plant, should i wait or flower right after i top? and can i keep my clone in the same box if it fits?
  8. G

    flowering at 4 inches how tall will my plant be?

    Yea man i was actually thinking of trying to clone this plant i have another side of my grow area that is double the size but my xbox is there.... yet it will be cover for my fans if noisy. I may actually clone my plant instead of flowering it.... ill have to think about that now. you got me...
  9. G

    is this LST alright?

    KK dread =) its just so tempting to try new things. (1st time LST and indoor grow)
  10. G

    flowering at 4 inches how tall will my plant be?

    I take no offense wat so ever i know your trying to help. I have decided to wait till the plant is bigger. This is a test grow to see if i can growa plant start to finish in a box about 2 feet high, 2 feet wide and 3 feet long. I normally grow outdoors when i can but i guess those rules apply...
  11. G

    is this LST alright?

    hahaha that was funny the dog thing. im gonna train in a week and a half and transplant in a couple days. get it used to its new soil then we'll go from there.
  12. G

    flowering at 4 inches how tall will my plant be?

    ima flower when its about on its 5th node os 6-7 inches tall but lst first =) seems reasonable not to early not to late well i dont think i can be late but u get it lol thanks
  13. G

    is this LST alright?

    hey thanks. before i read the other posts i took the lst off since i was scared i'd beak or stunt growth that it will die and other things that i probably made up =) but yes i will hold up on my lst i just want to get to flowering with this plant. I appreciate the helpful advice guys and i...
  14. G

    flowering at 4 inches how tall will my plant be?

    thats pretty good for me i guess since this is my first indoor grow so would you recomend i wait a bit longer till it is at least 6-8 inches top then lst? sounds good for me what do you guys think. And 20-30 inches it good since im LSTing so i grow in circles lol make it fit. thanks for all the...
  15. G

    flowering at 4 inches how tall will my plant be?

    im gonan attempt lst at 4 inches. So my plant would land at "ABOUT" 8-12 inches sounds pretty reasonable. How much would you expect to yeild? or is it to hard to really determine an amount?
  16. G

    flowering at 4 inches how tall will my plant be?

    I am going to flower at 4 inches and im LSTing the plant but how big would it be if i started to flower at 4 inches LST or not?
  17. G

    is this LST alright?

    yea i really wasnt sure when i wanted to start but i have about 1 foot and half to grow side ways before i grow up again to finish it off. I heard that the plant like doubles even triples in flowering so i thought why not start lst now but i can wait another couple weeks. this plant is only 10...
  18. G

    is this LST alright?

    Hey guys i got a couple pics of my LST on my plant it is like 2 and half inches or 3 inches either way and i used yarn to begin my LST here are a couple pics let me know if i need to add anything, watch for things that can cause problems anything you would do let me know =) lets hope this turn...
  19. G

    curling yellowing and very dry leafs (babies)

    Im happy you may have found the problem. Lets see how the plants react to having the light farther away. If they return to normal then heat was your enemy good to know for future grows. hope everything turns out well ill be checking back every so often.
  20. G

    curling yellowing and very dry leafs (babies)

    are they growing at all? or they not moving? They may have a deficiency if watering won't work. i really can't think of anything else to do.