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  1. G

    curling yellowing and very dry leafs (babies)

    this happened to mine and its because i didnt water enough. water the entire area it in like within that circle. water till quenched also maybe heat stress? im not sure but as i can see from the pics your soil isnt wet really on the stem area water everything and see how it goes. maybe a more...
  2. G

    Is my plant dead???

    cool thanks for the info =P
  3. G

    Is my plant dead???

    its cool it was actually a test run in certain conditions and was perfect except i didnt water the thing as much as i needed. the roots spread faster then i thought and by the time i noticed it was like this. If it dont grow ill plant more i have over 50 more seeds. also i do alot of research...
  4. G

    Is my plant dead???

    yea i hope it bounces back. I filled the entire thing with water and drained excess so everything is moise and i put it on 12/12 schedule is that ok?
  5. G

    Is my plant dead???

    Is my plant dead 100%. here are some pics of the plant and the root system. The plant is 10 days old. I never watered the entire container and im sure it dried out and died. It only took 48 hours for the plant to go from perfect to dead. Any ideas or should i just restart. this is my first...
  6. G

    Does Attitude reship if they get a package sent back?

    yea i hope they are able to reship with my real name honestly 14 bucks is better then paying for a whole nother shipment. thanks for the help =)
  7. G

    Does Attitude reship if they get a package sent back?

    im 21 my parents house hada fire from the fridge and electrical fire and the house burned down. so they came to live with me. after all they did raise me.
  8. G

    Does Attitude reship if they get a package sent back?

    ok well my package was sent back. heres why. my parents have moved in for a while and since i work normally my packages just get left or i get a notice to come pick it up. Now that she is home so answers the door and says no so and so doesnt live here. i used a fake name 9shouldnt have done...
  9. G

    How far should my CFl be from my seedling?

    yea i no i need more lights i actually need a splitter but its on it way. thanks for the help.
  10. G

    How far should my CFl be from my seedling?

    Ok i had my light running for a day and a half now im giving it some rest. It is growing very quick but im only using one 26 watt cfl. it is about 2 inches away or a bit closer. I just want to make sure it doesn't stretch sicne i don't know if im using a red spectrum or blue spectrum cfl. If...
  11. G

    CFLs or T5s?

    ok ill see what i can find thanks
  12. G

    CFLs or T5s?

    I just started growing with cfls and i read about t5s being better. Im going to stick with cfls for now since everything is setup but for future grows how would i use a T5 i looked them up on amazon and they dont have like a screw end. what should use to be able to plug them in to an outlet?
  13. G

    how many plants can i grow using 26 watt CFLs?

    hahah i no it sounds small as hell but my box is in a pc cabinet. so when i transfer it the room it has to spread is like 3 feet by 3 feet and 1 foot. It should work fine also i dont want a big grow or i would use the hole cabinet i just dont want my fiends finding it since that where we play...
  14. G

    how many plants can i grow using 26 watt CFLs?

    =) thanks man very helpful i will read that thread about cfls. I will provide light when it grows and i start to bud it. i apreciate the reply it helped alot. thanks again. ;)
  15. G

    how many plants can i grow using 26 watt CFLs?

    Im going to start my plant in a 1 foot by 1 foot by 1 foot demension. Yes i no its small but it actually is just enough room to start it off for where im going to move it. I will use 1 cfl 26 watt for these demensions. Do you think it will be alright since its such a small area? this will not be...
  16. G

    How to deal with noisy cpu fans?

    umm the noise is still noticabele from like 20 feet away if i put like objects around the closed area would it break up noise waves a decrease the sound a bit? not expecting a big decrease just enough so i can have people about 5 feet away and not really pay enough atention to the noise.
  17. G

    How do you deal with light coming from fans in grow box?

    hahaha wow all good ideas ill do both haha jk but i have 2 fans so ill use 1 for each =)
  18. G

    How do you deal with light coming from fans in grow box?

    alright ill try that idea. so if i put like a piece of cardboard like half way infront of my fan and a bit further another for the other side of the fan it will block light and let the air flow? i just want to make sure i got everything straight before i do it. and that is a great idea thanks. =)
  19. G

    How do you deal with light coming from fans in grow box?

    The only place i see light coming out of my grow box is the fans and that is all thats holding back right now. how do you guys deal with this. this is a grow box dont forget. try to explain as best you can long or short it dont matter as long as you get to the point. thanks.
  20. G

    Whats a good but not expensive fertilizer?

    nah man ima use the house plant fert when my potting soil is kinda runnning out of build in ferts. my potting soil is Scotts. It has been good for my other plants (not pot plants). but i will sooner or later get a better fertilizer. and what will my plant do when it doesnt have enough...