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  1. good_2_go

    moving plant inside?

    oh i forgot to mention its in a 10 gallon pot, not in the ground.
  2. good_2_go

    moving plant inside?

    i wont be done in in a week, plus its gonna be raining for the next little while
  3. good_2_go

    moving plant inside?

    hey, im thinkin of moving my 4ft, bushy as hell plant inside under some lights for the last week or 2 of flowering. I figure it'll be too cold outside to keep it out in about a week or so. What kind of light should i be lookin for?? I want to just use CFls because i dont think the old man would...
  4. good_2_go

    How many CFL's??

    hey, I have nice ourdoor plant, about 4ft, healthy, that im goin to be bringing inside for the last 2 week or so of flowering since it'll prolly snow soon. Im just gonna use some CFls since its only a one time deal and its only one plant. How many bulbs should i be using and of how many watts...
  5. good_2_go

    forced budding??

    Sounds good, I won't have to set up any fancy grow room or nothin will I? I can prolly just rig up a 6-CFL holder and reflector, One other question what if it keeps snowing, can i finishes flowering under the CLF's??
  6. good_2_go

    forced budding??

    Im not to concerned about frost because i move my plants inside at around 8pm and put them back out at 8 am. Im only really concerned about snow and we might get own first snowfall in 2 weeks which kinda sucks. Does anyone know if a plant can just be kept inside if it snows for a day or two...
  7. good_2_go

    best strains for ontario???

    Just curiuos, how did your fast pine turn out??
  8. good_2_go

    best strains for ontario???

    I live in the same area, just a little north. I used tried a few strains, One was called "Fast Pine" supossibly, and I got it from Toronto420 seed bank. It turned out real deadly, real nice buds, and yeilds alot. I still have some plants out that im leaving out well into november as long as it...
  9. good_2_go

    Is it possible????

    Nice, I just remembered the strain i got was from Ontario's Best and it is supposed to do real good in out climate and can stand colder temps. Havent even had frost yet which surprised me. Ill just hope for the best, it would be nice if i could get 3 maybe even 4 more weeks. Thanks
  10. good_2_go

    Is it possible????

    well right now they range anywhere from 5 degrees C to 15 Dergree C, So ill have to just see what happens, any way of making like a mini green house for it?? I cant bring it inside under a HPS light or else i prolly would.
  11. good_2_go

    Is it possible????

    Hey, i Live in southern Ontario and was wondering if its possible to keep potted plants out 2/3 weeks into november?? They can be brought inside on real cold nights, What daytime temps do i need to maintain good growth?? The plants are about 4 feet, bushy and healty, The problem is i think they...
  12. good_2_go

    forced budding??

    Latley its been down around 5 dergrees C at night. And around 15 degrees C during the day. i can move the plant into the garage on the real cold nights but im hoping it finishes before it gets too cold and snow because this is the last big plant i got left.
  13. good_2_go

    forced budding??

    aright so should i cut the budding nutes and just go with molasses??
  14. good_2_go

    forced budding??

    I have a nice healthy 4ft plant in a large pot and its been budding since about the beginning of sempember, Dont know why its not done yet but its not. I would say i have about 3 weeks left of budding time before its get too cold and maybe snows. What can I do to fatten up the buds, should it be...
  15. good_2_go

    Mold pictures?

    mine had bud rot on the crown bud and I just cut it off and dried off the plant and its been fine ever since
  16. good_2_go

    Mycorrhizal Fungi??

    Hey, does anyone know much about this stuff?? I got a packet of it and was told to give it to my plant because its badly stressed from being dug up and the roots were damaged. It is supposed to be put into the transplant hole but obivisoly i cant becuase the plant has already been replanted...
  17. good_2_go

    someone in my yard

    i went through the same shit lol. i ended up digging 2 7ft plants up and replanted them, that was the only good solution i could thnk of. Pisses me off tho
  18. good_2_go

    bud rott???

    i checked on my one plant today that i acidenty left partially in the rain. One on the top buds had a little rotted part on it about the size or a loonie on it. I picked it off and air dried most of the water off the plant. then put it out in a sheltered area. Do you think thats a big deal, or...
  19. good_2_go

    Cutting leaves?? Will they grow back??(pics)

    i wouldn't cut any off. They large fans leaves turn light into energy.
  20. good_2_go

    how many more growin dayz left?????

    Yeah, ive been on that site alot, good site. Im not to concerned about the frost tho becuase my plants can be put into a garage at night so unless its real cold during the day or snows looks like im in good shape. I'll post some pics soon. Thanks