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  1. good_2_go

    how many more growin dayz left?????

    according to weather network the daytime temps are going back up in the 20's late october so i might just be in luck.
  2. good_2_go

    how many more growin dayz left?????

    Hey, I live more in southorn Ontario and was wondering how many more growing days you figure i got left. I need as much time as i can to let my plants finish?? I can bring the plants inside at night to protect from frost but just wondering if maybe i can got into November???
  3. good_2_go

    Ontario Growers???

    Yeah, thats what i figured. Anything i can do to pick it back up or do you think i wont make it?? I think im gonna try some cattle manure tomorrow???
  4. good_2_go

    Ontario Growers???

  5. good_2_go

    Ontario Growers???

    Im starting to get a little concerned about my biggest plant which i had to dig up and replant about 2 weeks ago. Alot of the leaves have died off and looks like budding has slowed down alot. Its now october and no frost yet(indian summer,yeeeah) and hopefully i can keep this thing out till end...
  6. good_2_go

    Ontario Growers???

    I have a later batch of plants that started budding at the end of august and now been going for roughly 4 weeks. For any who you who grow in ontario, whats the latest you had plants out??? I want to let these badies go until at least the end of october, maybe even into november. I can bring all...
  7. good_2_go

    fast dry weed??

    i took a little sample off my plant and wanted to know what the fastest way to dry the weed,i dont like the oven, its only like a gram so i dont really care. Thankss
  8. good_2_go

    same strain, different budding times?????

    yeah i guess thoses all are factors to consider
  9. good_2_go

    same strain, different budding times?????

    hey, i have about 10 ourdoot plants, all healthy. I ordered seeds from a seed bank back in the spring and they were supposed to all be the same strain. All my plants are at dirrerent stages of budding, some have real fat buds and lookind like their almost done and other just have lots of white...
  10. good_2_go

    plant might be dying????

    cant seem to find that stuff anywhere in Canada, might try the cow manure for the time being until I get a hold of that other stuff. Do you think this palnt will finish by the end of october?? Becuase after then it really starts to get cold, but if im lucky i might be able to get a few weeks...
  11. good_2_go

    plant might be dying????

    i know it doesn't like to be dug up seeing it was growing so well where i was, but if I didn't dig it up it woulda either got stolen or got be busted... So it was my only option. Any other suggestion???
  12. good_2_go

    plant might be dying????

    so i should spread the cow manure around the top of the roots??? Is it just the stuff that you buy from any garden centre that comes in a bag? Its sad to see my biggest bady like this because i was really excited about it, now im worried that budding has slowed down to much and there isn't...
  13. good_2_go

    pollinated plants

    it will affect the bud size because at this stage all the work is being put into seed production.
  14. good_2_go

    plant might be dying????

    i was told its important to mist the leaves since the roots are damaged and it'll help it to take in water. Ill get some pics soon, but its sad to look at because before i dug it up it was all dark green leaves everywhere and now a lot of them died off, not sure if it will affect the buds at...
  15. good_2_go

    plant might be dying????

    I have a 7 foot plant, that was very bushy and dark green. it is about 3 weeks into flowering, no buds yet, just alot of white hairs everywhere. I had to dig it up about a week ago due to theives. Now it doesnt look to be doin to good, its wilting alot and alot of the large fan leaves are dying...
  16. good_2_go

    Ok help me out if u could

    i have a couple plants that i was giving ferts to and others i wasn't givin any to. They both look the exact same at this stage, dont think they did any good for me. If the leaves are good and dark green, chances are there getting enough nutes from the soil.
  17. good_2_go

    I'm a newb, please help

    go on limwire or something and type in marijuana, download a grow video and it'll show u everytime you need to know.
  18. good_2_go

    Frost Warning Tonight What Should I Do???

    yea, they turn purple becuase of the cold temps, mine have been in colder temps the last week and so far all the fan leave stems are purple. kinda looks cool when the leaves turn purple tho.
  19. good_2_go


    how big are the plants??
  20. good_2_go

    Need Help Before It Gets Cold

    Its fine now, it was wilting for the first couple days but now it looks real healthy again. And for the cold im goin to rig up a large tarp for a barrier the prevent from frost.