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  1. lil' miss left hand side

    Girlfriend question, is this normal

    no shit thats fucking hilarious! politically incorrect but hilarious! I'd watch it tho mate there might be feminists about.:mrgreen::mrgreen: </IMG>
  2. lil' miss left hand side

    Girlfriend question, is this normal

    why do all you blokes recon guys can't be mates with chicks? pretty much all my mates all my life have been blokes. i can't deal with female politics........ and the shoes...... and the is with that obsesion?!?! anywho most of my mates have never been interested in boning me...
  3. lil' miss left hand side

    Girlfriend question, is this normal

    i turn up at my boyfriends house unanounced often but at irregular intervals. keeps him on his toes. ;-)
  4. lil' miss left hand side

    Name The Riu Logo!

    Ripper Trip Kiff Bruce
  5. lil' miss left hand side

    Name The Riu Logo!

    what about Resin?
  6. lil' miss left hand side

    Stoner pets

    anyone else have pets that love pot? i have to hide my smoke from my cat she loves the stuff so much, she'll seek it out, roll in it, then eat it if i don't find her in time, her name's Moppet. My old cat Billy used to acually follow a joint around a room. she'd sit on the back of the chair of...
  7. lil' miss left hand side

    Girlfriend question, is this normal

    or a cat! my cat's a tripper, you can't leave joints or mixes lying aroung cos she sniffs em out and eats em! its like having a baby in the house that can climb on just about anything. i love her to bits but SHE DRIVES ME INSANE!! she's awesome company though also a very good judge of character...
  8. lil' miss left hand side

    Name The Riu Logo!

    Grusta -Like green and rusta??
  9. lil' miss left hand side

    Name The Riu Logo!

    Majieeka - Means "magic happens"
  10. lil' miss left hand side

    What Do You Girls Think?? Help Me out here:D

    personally it's not my's are great gifts esecally when you've only just started going out, but i'm not one for fake diamonds and hearts. if she is GREAT!! the only thing you've got to worry about is if dosen't tickle her pickle either. as long as you know your girl and what shes into...
  11. lil' miss left hand side

    Girlfriend question, is this normal

    mate i don't trust anyone but myself. been fuckt on too many times in relationships. i don't even fully trust my current boyfriend and we've been together 4 years now. the trick is to be sneaky, ask desceet questions about what they did, if you can be there next time, if you can all go out for a...
  12. lil' miss left hand side

    Best High Food/Drink

    I went through this HUGE stage about 5 years ago where all i ate when stoned was icing sugar on toast. i'd go through a loaf of bread and a packet of sugar each night. now i'm much more a savery munchie person. gimmie a suvlaki or a QP and i'm in heaven. if i want a sugar hit, nothing beats...
  13. lil' miss left hand side

    I think i dried my buds too much on accident

    not sure what your reading mate. i'm just gonna say that there's no way his buds were that dry before curing or the plant was dead for a long time. personally i think that the cottonwool and fruit peal methods will physically work the same. in both cases you will have to remove the sorce of the...
  14. lil' miss left hand side

    Anyone else from Oz???

    they're probably still in bed the bastards.
  15. lil' miss left hand side

    Anyone else from Oz???

    Is no one else from australia??
  16. lil' miss left hand side

    Anyone else from Oz???

    thanks 4 welcoming me mate.
  17. lil' miss left hand side

    Anyone else from Oz???

    cool. i'd put a pic of meself up but i don't have any. not to into looking at myself i guess, but now i have a reason for one i'll get one soon and put it up for ya's. as for LoudBlunts comment i can put a picture of some tits up for ya. but they wont be mine, they may not even be female. :)
  18. lil' miss left hand side

    Anyone else from Oz???

    by the way your pic is fucking awesome
  19. lil' miss left hand side

    Anyone else from Oz???

    Of what? the country, a kangaroo or me tits Mr."ladies man" :)
  20. lil' miss left hand side

    Anyone else from Oz???

    :leaf:Hey dude mans and dudettes, Any of yous from down under? It'd be nice to find some common ground (other than pot). So, anyone else in the mood for a beer and a barby on this stinker of a day?:leaf: :peace:peace out all:peace: