Girlfriend question, is this normal


Well-Known Member fucking spot on....get a date or go to the "MOVIES" with a hot chick and see what she says, if she says nothing probably means shes boning....If she freaks out, she is a bitch and introduce THE BOOT BIATCH>...
So as he asked above... you want him to dump her at whatever decision? She says ya, shes booted, says no, shes boning...

She just cant do


Well-Known Member
Def not normal. If theyre not hooking up yet they will be. You should say something about it now so it doesnt lead to that


Well-Known Member
"Old Friend", Dont believe that crap. I know i dont know your girl but that just sounds way to sketchy for me to believe. I'd tell my girl and ask her how she would feel if i went out with an old girl "friend" of mine. And watch man most girl flip out (No offence to any females).
mate i don't trust anyone but myself. been fuckt on too many times in relationships. i don't even fully trust my current boyfriend and we've been together 4 years now. the trick is to be sneaky, ask desceet questions about what they did, if you can be there next time, if you can all go out for a beer, shit like that. then you can suss out if shes lying to you, what shes lying about and you can have some words to this bloke and find out whats his intentions are. what it comes down to mate, is that she's YOUR missuss and its your job to SCARE THE FUCKING SHIT out of anyone who tryies to take her from you.
On another note, if she is cheating or planing on cheating get rid of her if shes not 100% loving you. she is NOT worth it. find someone who loves you for you. cos mate if no one else knows it, i do, your the most important person in these situations, don't compromise your own happiness for hers.


Well-Known Member
you gotta let her do whatever he wants my woman hangs out with guys all the time we been together 5 years and i trust her completely even though we both cheated on each other in the sppeed years lol but depends on how long you been together and trust each other

i personally dont mind when my girl hangs with guys even if i know they wanna fuck her

she also doesnt freak out if i go hang out with an old girlfriend without her we have a great relationship though


Well-Known Member
Bottom line dude....does she treat you how you wanna be treated when shes around...YES???....keep her around...NO???...boot her!!!...people get too hung up on rules of the relationship until finally, you cant do anything without getting the "EVIL EYE"....Rules and control push women away...Losers who are afraid they cant keep a woman try to control what they do!!!Trust and freedom make you a real man!!! Are you man enough to risk a broken heart??? If not, buy a dog.........By the way my dogs name is Jade...LOL
or a cat! my cat's a tripper, you can't leave joints or mixes lying aroung cos she sniffs em out and eats em! its like having a baby in the house that can climb on just about anything. i love her to bits but SHE DRIVES ME INSANE!! she's awesome company though also a very good judge of character don't know what i'd do without her. so yeah dude get a pet!! so much less complecated than a relationship.


Well-Known Member
Are you really seroius about this question ?

If you are serious instead of asking us ask yourself a few questions.

1, Is there a hot looking girl anywhere on earth that you'd rather just be friends with than fuck the hell out of ?

2, How come you havent allready beat the livin shit out of the guy who's asking your girlfriend out on a date,at his place no less.

If your going to give her your blessing you might as well kiss any respect from her goodbye,women love to play that "just friends" bullshit & thats exactly what it is,bullshit.

The truth is that she dont want him as a friend,right now she's dreaming of his fat cock in her mouth,sucks to say that but it's the truth,dont fall for that stale just friends bs,put your foot down & tell her no way,you'll end up hearing how your not her father & that women dont think like men yada yada yada,dont buy any of it,put your foot down or put her ass out.


Well-Known Member
Are you really seroius about this question ?

If you are serious instead of asking us ask yourself a few questions.

1, Is there a hot looking girl anywhere on earth that you'd rather just be friends with than fuck the hell out of ?

2, How come you havent allready beat the livin shit out of the guy who's asking your girlfriend out on a date,at his place no less.

If your going to give her your blessing you might as well kiss any respect from her goodbye,women love to play that "just friends" bullshit & thats exactly what it is,bullshit.

The truth is that she dont want him as a friend,right now she's dreaming of his fat cock in her mouth,sucks to say that but it's the truth,dont fall for that stale just friends bs,put your foot down & tell her no way,you'll end up hearing how your not her father & that women dont think like men yada yada yada,dont buy any of it,put your foot down or put her ass out.
that is why 75% of marraiges fail lol you gotta be free to do what you want if you dont trust each other enough to hang out with members of the oposite sex alone then you shouldnt be togeteher anyway

Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
Sorry dude.

Hanging out with friends is one thing. Dinner and movie is a date.

Unless this dude is gay, they are/will be bonin' the nights away.


Well-Known Member
Do you know where he lives? Id come over and just walk through the door of his place to see whatsup. And if theres nothing going on( slim chance of that happening) you're fucked.


Well-Known Member
that is why 75% of marraiges fail lol you gotta be free to do what you want if you dont trust each other enough to hang out with members of the oposite sex alone then you shouldnt be togeteher anyway
For the record how long have you been married ?