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  1. zezus

    2nd PC grow!! Check it out RIU!!

    Does anyone know if it is normal for a autoflower plant to show female pistols but not start flowering?
  2. zezus

    2nd PC grow!! Check it out RIU!!

    Hey crazytrain! I also wanted to ask , did your plant show you sex before you switched the lights? Thats the only reason I have not switched yet. They showed me their little female pistols so i assumed the white hairs would be coming soon.
  3. zezus

    2nd PC grow!! Check it out RIU!!

    I put my smaller white widow into 12/12 a few days ago just to see if it switches. Ill switch the others as well, ill run out of room if I let them keep going. On the plus side I should have a great harvest!
  4. zezus

    2nd PC grow!! Check it out RIU!!

    So I finally bring you all an update on my second grow. Everything is going well and the ladies are looking great. I do have a question for all you autoflower experts though. The Crystal plants I am growing are on day 48, and the white widow are a few weeks behind that. All have shown me they...
  5. zezus

    Autoflowering Insanity Sub Forum

    What up everyone!! I have a question, I am growing two crystal auto's, and two white widow auto's. The Crystal's are 47 days old, they showed me sex a few weeks ago, but no white pistols yet. This is my first auto grow so not sure if this is to long or right on track. Plants are totally healthy...
  6. zezus

    Pc Grow Box Odor? Need help asap!

    I prefer the inside, the smell of the gel will stay in the box and slowly come out through the exhaust.
  7. zezus

    Pc Grow Box Odor? Need help asap!

    This is what I use in my grow box. I got it at I cut up a shoe box and mounted it over my exhaust so I could control the exhaust air and it comes out of the bottom. I either put a couple of shot glasses full of this gel inside the box near the exhaust fan, or at the opening of my...
  8. zezus

    2nd PC grow!! Check it out RIU!!

    I thought the label was awesome too!! is where I got mine. if you get it do not stick your nose real close to smell the stuff!! It is that strong!! I even put like two shot glasses of it in the chamber and that worked well too.
  9. zezus

    2nd PC grow!! Check it out RIU!!

    I have found that those containers of odor control are way to strong for a PC case. And I agree that ona smells weird. I use an al natural odor killer. The directions say to just leave the lid off but that is way too much. Here is a pic of the stuff I use.
  10. zezus

    2nd PC grow!! Check it out RIU!!

    Your going to have some great smoke man!! I checked out monko's lst, that is pretty sick! My temps run between 80-89. It all depends on the weather outside. As far as the smell, I cut up some shoe boxes and mounted them over the exhaust so I can control the air coming out of the chamber.I have...
  11. zezus

    2nd PC grow!! Check it out RIU!!

    Your totally right crazytrain, I am still vegging in there though. I didn't say that earlier. I will be switching to exactly what you said 4-2 in a few weeks. I checked out your grow man, real nice!! How long did you veg for?
  12. zezus

    2nd PC grow!! Check it out RIU!!

    What up crazytrain! Thanx for the kind words! I am excited about the WW auto's as well. I have heard great things. Here are the two WW auto's. Both planted a day apart, so it looks like a got a runt, but I don't love her any less!! That white rusky in the biggest pot is supposed to be a cross...
  13. zezus

    2nd PC grow!! Check it out RIU!!

    So this is my second grow using a PC case. I upgraded to two cases so I can try to keep a constant harvest. For all you PC haters, I agree with you! The yield will not be huge, but this set up is all i need for now, I will harvest plenty for myself. I am using FFOF soil and will be using...
  14. zezus

    First PC grow! What do you think RIU?

    I just simply connected the wires of the fan to the wires of a plug. I didn't know to much about this part, but turned out to be super easy.
  15. zezus

    First PC grow! What do you think RIU?

    That was some oder control goup. Leaving the jar it came in open was too strong. So I took a little out and put it in shot glasses. It worked great! The smell wasn't really that bad, but every so often i would come home and smell the ladies.
  16. zezus

    Illinois Medical Marijuana - Time to Vote! 2010 Medical Marijuana Voting Guide

    Thanx for posting that list Dr. Awkward!! I have been watching this Illinois Election very closely! Lets just hope it goes our way!!!!
  17. zezus

    First PC grow! What do you think RIU?

    Took about three months from seed. Total harvest is a little bit over an oz. This was my very first grow and made some mistakes so I am happy with that. Very confident my yields will go up with experience. What i have done is add another grow box and will have autoflower plants going while...
  18. zezus

    Family trying to Narc!!

    Im totally cool with chillin for a bit. I am really going to grow tomatoes though! Never thought I would say it but I enjoy gardening!! So let whoever call whoever!! When they come Ill make them a nice salad!!!
  19. zezus

    Family trying to Narc!!

    I read your thread Bryguy and is f***** up man!! I cant believe that!!
  20. zezus

    Family trying to Narc!!

    Fortunately I have a trusted place to dry and cure my grow. I have already packed up the illegals. my stealth grow is however staying, except I am now making it unstealth and growing cherry tomatoes. Thats not illegal!! So if anyone shows up my family looks stupid. I even wiped down all...