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    Mold or not??

    It can spread unbelievably fast. If it were mine I'd be removing anything that even resembles rot but to each their own. Might not spread much but might blow up.. has a lot to do with humidity
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    Mold or not??

    Bud rot.... Cut off anything affected asap
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    Amanita mucaria

    Be careful if you do try.. amanita muscaria is not to be taken lightly. Definitely not a party buzz, more of a religious experience. Not to mention it's in the same family as the death cap and destroying angel. Most pi know who've tried her (including myself) don't have any desire to peer back...
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    Midweek Song Freebies

    Very vigorous, big yielder and next to no smell while growing. Potency was OK but very little taste. I only ran one seed so I can't comment on the strain as a whole but mine, while good wasn't a keeper
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    Where did I grow (go) wrong.

    You sure you don't have fungus gnats? Shut your fan off and see if there's anything flying around or crawling on soil
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    Grams per watt

    I prefer to look at grams per sq foot per week of veg. Gpw doesn't take veg time or square footage into consideration.
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    Cloning with Honey: What's your success rate?

    I can't say I'm 100% with honey but I rarely lose one. I'd use it if I only struck 1 in 10 after reading the clonex label. That day was the first day of my conversion to organics
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    I had a bad feeling a few seasons ago so I did a midnight smash and grab on one of my guerilla plots that I had a little too close to home. Next morning I wake up and call off work to do some trimming when I heard a buzzing noise in back yard. I look out the window and it's the dtf flying right...
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    Help! What kind of mites are these?!

    I'm glad someone on here doesn't think I'm crazy. I just can't stand seeing anything go to waste and with the price of honey and it's health benefits I can't help but say get em
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    Help! What kind of mites are these?!

    They act completely different in a swarm situation, that's how bees reproduce, a new queen is hatched and she leaves with a portion of the workers to start a new hive. I've caught dozens of swarms and never been stung unless I did something stupid
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    Help! What kind of mites are these?!

    No need for a bee keeper if you're not in African bee territory. Simply shake them into a box and you're done. I don't even wear a veil for swarms. They aren't even aggressive when swarmed up like that.
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    Help! What kind of mites are these?!

    Should have caught them. Whenever bees are swarmed like that they're searching for a new home. Those would've been working their little asses off in my apiary had I found them. Whatever you do don't harm them... bees are having a hard enough time as it is
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    Best Hours for 12/12?

    I like my lights on at night when I'm not at work but that's completely for temperature and my paranoia lol
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    How much rain can they take?

    I stay away from that fire water... I prefer to smoke my liquor haha. I know some good ol boys out shining... to each their own that stuff is poison for me
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    How much rain can they take?

    I've been carrying water through the Bush for last month.. send some of that rain my way haha
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    Thoughts on controlling botrytis

    The leaves looked a lot like your picture. Purplish black blotches on new growth
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    Thoughts on controlling botrytis

    I've saw the same thing on my one of my guerilla patches last year. Still no idea what it was. Had 5 get it, three were complete loss. I don't think it's rot. The three I lost had twisted new growth and never budded out right. I hope you figure it out bc I'm at a total loss. Easter ohio
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    Thoughts on controlling botrytis

    Any of the new growth twisted?
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    The universe itself is God

    I had this same breakthrough a few years ago... It was life changing to say the least.