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  1. B

    Super Skunk 14 days left :)

    not hating or anything but i hope i get a little more then that its my first grow with clfs too(400w) 1 weeks and 4 days into flowerig, my plant is also tons bigger, and its starting to form buds yayyy lol.
  2. B

    free samples nutrients

    I would def like to know how lol.
  3. B

    Geuss the weight?

    WOW thats a good amount of hash!!
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    I have 400 watt cfls and im using mg and i could prolly buy a pot a gallon bigger or so thats not a prob. the yeild im not worried about getting as much as i can cause this is my first time growing, but cant i leave it in the pot and make sure it gets the proper amount of nuts???
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    Can anyone else have any imput cause i would like to base my assumption on multiple answers?
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    2 weeks and 1 day into flowering!!

    hhuumm yeeaaa lol
  7. B

    2 weeks and 1 day into flowering!!

    My plant has grown so much and i finally have gotten access to a camera lol. The leafs are huge lol, and the pistal hairs are getting big too.
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    So lately i havnt had money but im in the 1st couple weeks into flowering would i be able to transplant it still? I dont really care about quintity much quility if its transplantable i am going to transplant its in a 3.5 gallon bucket. Right now i have it in a 1 gallon pot and its still growing...
  9. B

    when do buds start to show?

    thanks guys i really appreciate it. My plant has not stretched that much, it stretched about a little more then half its original size. Also smells super lemany. Maybe its super leman haze nah jk jk idk. I also think it is 50% indica and 50% sativa i have started another seedling and its leafs...
  10. B

    when do buds start to show?

    Yea i have been flowering my plant for 11 days now i did found out it is female on the 8th day. oh and when should i start to add bloom nutes. It is showing no signs of needing nutes but i rather be prepared then not have nothing at all. Thanks all
  11. B

    If someone just smoked w/o you would you spark up????

    yea i think ima do a facey lol jk knowing me i would probly spark any way but ima be more cautious about it tho.
  12. B

    If someone just smoked w/o you would you spark up????

    I am growing my first grow actually its been 1 week and 1 day since i first started flowering. I would post a pic but dont have access to a camera right now. And i just fround out it is a female today also, so happy!!!LOL
  13. B

    If someone just smoked w/o you would you spark up????

    I really got a kick out of this lol ima use that for now on lol
  14. B

    If someone just smoked w/o you would you spark up????

    HHumm thats kinda weird never say sparked thats just our talk were im from????? idk on that one but yea its 1 out of many i didnt want to make a autobiography lmao
  15. B

    If someone just smoked w/o you would you spark up????

    I just asked this cause my cousin smokes too along with her sister and sisters boy friend, Me and my cousins are close so we almost always spark each other but the other day, we went into her sisters room and she was smoking along with a friend. I was like to my cousin i kinda dont want to spark...
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    If someone just smoked w/o you would you spark up????

    Yea i just want to hear other peoples input on this. My opinion is, if they just smoked w/o you then why even bother to spark them???
  17. B

    My First garden

    Well if the tomatoes start to die back they will probly start to die back from the tip, if this is the case you can clip the tips of the dead ones and side shoots will quickly grow back just like a mj plant. Just a little info for you if you dont want to start over. and the end product will be...
  18. B

    Why is marijuana growing so daunting?

    Honestly any body can grow marijuana, i say go for it and see if it works for you.
  19. B

    Nitrogen claw with underwatering????

    Thanks peeps :)
  20. B

    Nitrogen claw with underwatering????

    Any takers???