Search results

  1. rippn13

    Auto 250w cfl Cupboard grow - 3x Ultra Lemon Haze

    If your talking about adding some more light then it must be cooling down in the hills of Punjab... it was a rough summer for many of us (indoor and out). I have two autos that just started to flower. One was topped and the other was FIM'd. I am very happy with the results so far. It will be...
  2. rippn13

    First Area 51 Grow with NYCD, RRF, HBD

    Everything is coming along very nice. The 2 young Russian Rocket Fuels and 1 Himalayan Blue Diesel are doing great. It's been 5 days since anyting has been watered. The 2 NYCD's are doing great. I wish I didn't toss the root's experiment plants out cause 4 out of the 6 Botanicare's turned...
  3. rippn13

    First Area 51 Grow with NYCD, RRF, HBD

    This is a pic of the start of the 12 NYCD's. 6 on the right were roots and the left was Boatnicare. I didn't get any pics three weeks in that really showed the difference. I didn't think we would start a journal. These are pics of the two NYCD's that were topped and fim'd. This was...
  4. rippn13

    First Area 51 Grow with NYCD, RRF, HBD

    Hello, Thought I would try to contribute to this forum. Finished a NYCD grow from a friends seeds... that's the pics of both plants that were grown. 1 was let go the other was FIM'd very late in veg. The FIM job was an accident do to improper handling. It produced a pretty interesting...
  5. rippn13

    Auto 250w cfl Cupboard grow - 3x Ultra Lemon Haze

    Looks like the ship got righted and everything is going good. Still watching that ULH. Any smell from it at this point? The semi-auto has me curious. It's about time for me to star t germing and I still don't kow if I am ready to germ my ULH yet. Gonna keep watching. Thanks a ton.
  6. rippn13

    what is the best auto/femi for yield and for THC contains

    Samsara Flash Babylon: I have a few seeds but have never grown it. Might germ them in the next 2 weeks. We believe this to be the most potent and one of the most productive automatic strains. Obtained by crossing Low Ryder genes with one of our best Northern Light mothers, it will grow for...
  7. rippn13

    wats up guys

    Check out the DIY on this site or youtube. Instructions and ideas are pretty easy to find with a little research.
  8. rippn13

    wats up guys

    Check out DNA Genetics 60 day Lemon Auto. It does not need 18 hours of light. Most autos don't really need 18 hours they just benefit from it. Your yield won't be much but you might learn some things for your next grow. The Lemon Auto does not need any special light or longer hours so you...
  9. rippn13

    The Dawg House Grow Featuring Area-51 Leds

    After reading your thread I decided to give A51 a try. I bought the A51 115w 2x2 and the A51 235w 4x2. This is the best investment I have made to date on my garden. My space is 2' x 4' and this set up is working like a charm. I replaced a 600w lumatek digi with these and am not regretting it...
  10. rippn13

    The Single Seed Center (Worldwide-marijuana-seeds)

    Placed an order with the seed centre in mid Aug and received my package 2 weeks later. Very happy. Good service and good prices.
  11. rippn13

    Anyone any info on the doctor

    Was curious how your grow was doing. This strain has me very excited. I have a few starters of the Doctor and am getting ready to transplant them. All my research tells me that this may be a perm strain in my garden. I like the grow time and thc %. The starters are incredible. They have...
  12. rippn13

    Autoflower Question - Please help a brother out...

    Grundy Undies... Light cycles depend on strain more than anything else. There have been a few journals on here and other sites with successful auto grows on less than 18/6. There is one guy who was on a 10/14 cycle and had pretty good results with a NYCD. I personally belive that all plants...
  13. rippn13

    Autoflower Question - Please help a brother out...

    You might want to check out DNA's Auto Lemon Haze. This is their write up about it. I do not know about it's potency though. No special light or light cycle is needed, you can even flower her in your kitchen window (of course a proper 12/12 hour light cycle will give much better results)...
  14. rippn13


    What strain? I just finished a grow where two plants hairs would turn brown, fall out, then grow back with a vengence. This happened three different times before it was finished. I was experiementing with an over abundance of Purple Maxx and figured it was cause of that. Have you foliar fed...
  15. rippn13

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    I've worked with HTGS a bunch over the past few years. Both at location and online and have received very good service. Check out this 400 watt deal... This 400 watt set up for 167.00 with everything included...
  16. rippn13

    Strain Selection Help

    Coco is the medium in which to grow instead of soil. Hydro is Hydroponic and that means they grow in water... if you don't know what hydro is then don't mess with it. I am sure nuts was meant to be nutes. Check out the single seed centre for those seeds. Check out lowryders at...
  17. rippn13

    Strain Selection Help

    I would suggest the Joint Doc's Lowryder... it's the most compact plant out there. I think most pc growers are using 2x26 watt cfl's or close to that. Search youtube for PC grows and you will find plenty of material. One guy had a great grow with critical mass but he had more room than you. I...
  18. rippn13

    Auto LST 500w cfl - 3x Ultra lemon haze (auto seeds) 1x Afghan kush ryder (WOS)

    Just ordered a few of the Ultra Lemon Haze and was curious about the difficulties in growing them. The package says they are a bit tempermental. I will be interested to see how they do and if you have any tips that I may need to know.
  19. rippn13

    12/12 flower after 18/6 veg?

    I have mine at 16/8 and it seems to work fine. I am a firm believer in giving them some rest. There are some new auto strains out there that do fine with 12/12. DNA has come up with a 60 day Lemon Auto that needs no special light or cylce. 12/12 is just fine but they claim that it will do...
  20. rippn13

    Need some advice on 1st full auto grow

    Hello. I have a little experience with SOG and autos. If you want to maximize your space then look at square pots. Ideal for SOG. If you plan on growing one main cola per plant then the square pots would work great as you can fit several into a small space. You will need to manage your...