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  1. rippn13

    anyone know how to make cannabis infused soda?

    Sorry for the confusion. I was thinking this would be good for making a simple syrup. Then take the syrup and make cola. You can find how to make cola from google. Here's one example Most flavors in cola are derived from flavored oils made into a syrup...
  2. rippn13

    Female Seed Company, has anyone purchased their seeds?

    I grew 2 auto AK's and 2 autobubbles. I ended up with over 75 beans from the 4 plants. I had one Bubble that would not finish. I got over 120g's dried from it. I wasn't impressed with the bubble (I grew a bunch of it in the 90's) but a few folks really liked it. Reminded them of the early...
  3. rippn13

    Need vapor advice

    I have a vapor brothers whip style vape and am not getting much enjoyment from it. Anyone have experience with these? It's the first vape I bought and I find myself going back to the bong, pipe, and joint to avoid using the vape. My problem is that I don't feel like I get a good hit. I...
  4. rippn13

    anyone know how to make cannabis infused soda?

    This was posted on another site: The trick to cannasoda is simple. I've made several and have had success with each batch. The problem is it takes time and if you are willing to be patient, the reward far exceeds any alcohol-based soda. Decarb your material and soak it in food grade glycerin...
  5. rippn13

    Liberty Haze

    chewberto... I noticed in some of your journals the heading says Lib Haze but I have not seen in pics or info on the plant. Am I missing it? I am pretty bad at looking at the first page and maybe the second if I get interested. I must suffer from ADD cause I can not make it past page 3 of any...
  6. rippn13

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Uncle Ben. I appreciate your views on Bloom and Veg nutes and agree with you. After spending 100's on nutes and doing many side by sides I came up with the same opinion. I add a tablespoon of Marine Cuisine per gallon when I first plant then just use water. I love it. I got so sick of...
  7. rippn13

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    I realize this thread is about advanced topping techniques for Uncle B but for led qustions check out the LED users unite section here. I switched from HID to LED and could not be happier. I don't have to worry about temps. My electric bill is lower. I don't have to feed them as much. My...
  8. rippn13

    Liberty Haze

    I have one vegging for about 6 weeks or more. I topped it after the eigth node and am letting all the branches grow to the same height. I top like crazy and the end plant should look like a table top or pretty close. It has been a very light feeder. I put 3 tablespoons of Marine Cuisine in a...
  9. rippn13

    Best&Worst Barney's Farm strain review

    I just switched my TD over from 16/8 to 12/12 so we will see what happens. I have more tops onit than any other plant I have ever grown and it's as green as it can be. So far so good. Another friend of mine has a few going too and his are 6 weeks into bloom and growing like crazy. Things are...
  10. rippn13

    The Dawg House Grow Featuring Area-51 Leds

    I just harvested a Kush that I thought wa a Hermie about 2-3 weeks into bloom. Like an idiot I killed all the cuttings I had and took it out of the bloom room and put it in its own room. Needless to say it didn't produce the first bean. I should have kept one of those cuts. Lesson learned...
  11. rippn13

    Best&Worst Barney's Farm strain review

    I am currently growing a TD, a LSD, and a Lib Haze. I have no complaints about any of them so far. The TD has been vegging for about a 10 weeks and the other 2 have been vegging for about 6 weeks. The TD has been just fine. It reminds me of the G13 we use to grow back in the late 80's and...
  12. rippn13

    Is This Even A Marijuana Plant?! B.F. Tangerine Dream

    I actually have a few TD's going and have had no problems so far. I have learned that it doesn't really need much as far as water and nutes are concerned... I like that. I have been messing with auto's for awhile so I am use to sensitive plants. I am sure I will learn much more as it starts...
  13. rippn13

    Any good remedies for sore throats?

    I am having some throat issues too and I bought a vape. The vape seems to help a bit but still scratches the throat and deposits gray matter that I cough up. Not convinced that vapes are as healthy as folks think. I am brewing tea to try and help me cut back on smoking. It has worked very...
  14. rippn13

    The Dawg House Grow Featuring Area-51 Leds

    Sweet sweet. I feel like a kid waiting on Christmas now. Thanks for the info.
  15. rippn13

    The Dawg House Grow Featuring Area-51 Leds

    What up brother dawg. Messing with auto's huh? I play around with them from time to time myself. I just had an auto-bubble and auto-ak herm on me so I have a nice supply of beans for this outdoor season. I was wanting to ask you about A-51 and the new line up. Do you have any insider info...
  16. rippn13

    1s ttime grow with Auto Galaxy From Pyramid seeds

    The Galaxy is such an impressive strain. The effects are a bit weak but it grows unlike any other plant. Curious if the Auto G grows as vigorously as the photo G. It has such a distinct and nice smell. I am interested to see how they turn out. I am currently growing the Blue Pyramid right...
  17. rippn13

    Auto AK47 First time grow.. need advice seem to be really stunted..

    Are they from Female? I just finished a run of Female Ak and Female Auto bubble. They were all different phenos. 1 of the AK was a Hermie and I ended up getting seeds out of both strains. I almost threw 1 of the Ak and 1 of the Bubbles away cause they just didn't grow right. The bubble I was...
  18. rippn13

    Gonna make first batch of Bubble Hash

    I should have been more clear. In the beginning of the process. Before you froze your material. Did you dry it or did you use it wet? Not the hash itself. The plant matter. Did you dry your plant matter before you made the hash?
  19. rippn13

    Gonna make first batch of Bubble Hash

    Did you dry your material or go with it wet? I was told to not dry but most how-too's say to use dry material. Anyone with any thoughts or experience?
  20. rippn13

    Auto 250w cfl Cupboard grow - 3x Ultra Lemon Haze

    Congrats and nice work. It appears that your thread has helped a ton of people. I know you helped me. I still haven't germd my Ultra but now have a relly good idea about how to handle it. Thanks again.