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  1. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    First sign of sex in the biggest one. Oh, balls...guess he's bowing outta the comp. He was a lanky sod! Too bad.
  2. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Thats a great use of a clothespin, m8!
  3. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Cap'n...curious about the mesh on the bottom of your cup. How solid is it? Metal? Curious where the roots are going to go when they hit the mesh.
  4. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Update: Day 17. So far, so good. They're growing fast in this system...we'll see how things shape up. Bottoms clean. #1 and #2 are reasonably larger and bushier. No sex showing, yet.
  5. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    I've not run Bodhi's NL#5 before, but Dr. Atomic and Shanti's, both of which are phenomenal. I love old school genetics!
  6. KineBoisin420

    Kind L450 6x Mammoth Grow

    Shite're close to an overgrow of your tent! Looks similar to mine right now.
  7. KineBoisin420

    XGS & RW150 canna aqua v2.0 coco

    Dang nice, skunky! Everything looks stellar! I'm shooting for a similar 12-14oz from my tent this round, and after seeing your success, I feel confident I can achieve this too.
  8. KineBoisin420

    With a grain of salt ...

    Shite, thats a lot of light in there!
  9. KineBoisin420

    Latest LED ebay deals

    Tho Testiclees replies are brash and a little jack nutty, he/she does make a point re: chinese LED. Not all cheap chinese LED are garbage...some do actually grow good flower! Yes, they may be inefficient and poorly assembled, compared to top LED makers, but they're still able to produce, and...
  10. KineBoisin420

    mars 2 in flower

    Thats a respectable job, m8! Well done!
  11. KineBoisin420

    XGS, Organic Hydroponics, solo cup tray

    My m8' goes, this lovely day? I thought you'd want to see a little update of mine. This was from the other day, just as they hit 5 weeks. The PB's are just smelling so lovely, and are kicking along, tickety boo. Everything is filling in nicely around the tent, with some of my new...
  12. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    I remember your unfortunate offering last round...this is looking miles better! Good on ya, m8!
  13. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Where are they? They're so small, I can barely make them out. ;)
  14. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    We do take pictures, every week. I document mine pretty well. Hope you all do too.
  15. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Thats definitely the risk I'm taking with my entries, this round. But, no risk, no reward. And its all in good fun. I drilled a few small holes in the bottoms only, which are stronger plastic than the sides, and placed garden bed mesh on the bottoms of the cups, so we'll see how they hold up.
  16. KineBoisin420

    XGS, Organic Hydroponics, solo cup tray

    I'm going on a limb, declaring this run a success, with 3 weeks remaining. If I even limp to the finish, I believe I'll do better with this medium than straight amended soil. The flower development is already so nice, and the plants are taking up as much as I'm giving them.
  17. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Do we even have 50% registrants left in the comp?'d think it was like brain surgery, popping beans.
  18. KineBoisin420

    Hyroot's Garden

    Damn m8, thats hot, for this time of year! It almost feels like autumn here, already.
  19. KineBoisin420

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    I'm cool as a cuke, m8. I didnt think you knew the rules, thats all. :bigjoint:
  20. KineBoisin420

    XGS, Organic Hydroponics, solo cup tray

    Two days shy of 5 weeks. Looking good. The smell-o-meter is going up every day, it seems. Thankfully I have a Green Gator on guard. :)