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  1. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Update, Day 22 When you've got beauties, you do a beauty photoshoot, no? :blsmoke: They're doing great...growing well. #1 is developing a good sized stalk too, and is growing more vigorously than #2, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Who knows...when does sex typically show in this...
  2. KineBoisin420

    Community Journal: Purple Widow by Provision Seeds

    Mine should be popping their lovely heads above the soil any day now. :)
  3. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Shiite, dem's some big balls!
  4. KineBoisin420

    Community Journal: Purple Widow by Provision Seeds

    That is incredibly generous! I would love to have some of those beans!
  5. KineBoisin420

    Community Journal: Purple Widow by Provision Seeds

    I'm in. I popped 4 yesterday. And I'm happy to help out, if you need a host, or a helper, or a shoe shiner. :)
  6. KineBoisin420

    KB's garden

    So, my 4 PW are in their cups and have taken a seat beside my garden starts. We be rockin! :)
  7. KineBoisin420

    KB's garden

    As promised, a few beauty pictures of my garden right now. I haven't been very attentive to my garden this year, as we had another wee one, and my attention is definitely divided right now. So I've been keeping things simple, and easily manageable, after the wees are asleep. First, in the veg...
  8. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Shit...I feel your pain m8. Is it auto-immune, or injury related?
  9. KineBoisin420

    KB's garden

    What do I have growing on at the moment? Well, I've got a few MasterKaze in mid-flower. I'll snap some pics tonight when the lights go on. This is a fantastic strain from Shantibaba, and is also what I'm running for my party cup comp entries. They're doing great, btw! :) I had some open slots...
  10. KineBoisin420

    KB's garden

    I thought I'd setup a new general thread about my garden musings and ramblings that I can keep ongoing. For a bit of background into my setup: I use a 4x4 "SolaHut" tent as my main flowering area. I usually flower under 1- A51 LED XGS 190W, 1- Cidly Apollo8 LED with a custom config, and often...
  11. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Looking over @bryleetch comp spreadsheet, and @FrozenChozen ... good thing you're not in the comp for realz m8, or ya would have been DQ'd for not updating within the :clap:
  12. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Damn @provisionseeds what did you give me? Mutant PW beans from an alien planet? I only have a 4'x4' jungles over here to support the progeny that will no doubt grow from these monsters! :weed: I'm looking forward to popping a few of these...perhaps I will tonight, even.
  13. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Update, Day 15 Some other strains finished up under the XGS, and the party cuppers have basked under it by themselves the last few days. They're growing well, staying compact. I'm pulling for #1, as its showing early vigour. Hope its a girl. I'm going to run something beside them when I...
  14. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    TGA's not bad...if ya wade thru all of the hype. ;) I'm partial to MNS gear...Shanti is bomb to me. But I'm looking forward to rec' my Purple Widow order...I'm a big widow fan, and you cant go wrong adding a purp to her. I'll be running out some beans as soon as I receive mine...they'll be...
  15. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    You sponsors are awesome!
  16. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Not going to miss out on this sweet offer. Boom...ordered. Even easier since we're all Canucks. Love the sponsors here!
  17. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Well, here we are m8y's...Mar 1. If your seeds havent popped, you are dropped. :) Wonder who's all left? I'm sure handy randy @bryleetch will give us another excellent spreadsheet soon enough. Good luck to all remaining contestants.
  18. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Update: Day 8 The pair of Master Kaze are doing well, tickety boo. They're going to be my deadly duo going forward tho. My lone remaining NL X AF is being withdrawn from the comp, since it failed to do anything after the initial pop above soil. Damn, I have good results with this strain...
  19. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    K+, m8! This is great!
  20. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    @glockdoc - No need to overthink it too much here...chill, pull up a chair and enjoy the ride. If you're being called a cheater in here, no one will subtle about'll be called out nine ways to sunday.