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    HSO Blue Dream Hempy Dyna Gro

    @DirtyNerd Im sure you will blow right past me. Ive been known to fuck up my plants lol. I think I finally have everything nailed down nutrient wise. Ill keep a lookout on your journal to see how things are going.
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    HSO Blue Dream Hempy Dyna Gro

    Starting this journal to help document my processes and to help anyone along the way. This was planted on January 10th. Had some issues in the beginning due to algae growth killing the leaves. Replanted and everything has been going fine after the first week. Nutrients: Dyna Gro Foliage...
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    Double bucket draining system

    @Smootherpete I know its supposed to be 20-30 but I use 100% perlite so I would be going through a ton of water. I water every day but only give 16oz so theres very little run off. Every two weeks or so I flush it with a gallon to eliminate any salt buildup.
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    Double bucket draining system

    I was thinking this but instead have them connect to a main pipe that goes out of the tent. Right now I have them just drain into the bottom bucket and empty it once a week.
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    Light proof 5 gallon buckets

    I grow hempy and just put one bucket inside of another. Blocks the light and catches the waste.
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    How do you use Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro?

    @Stoned Drifter appreciate it thanks. Ill drop it down to 3ml/gal and go from there. I got stuck on people saying they feed at like 1200-1500ppm and figured I was just under feeding.
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    How many plants in a 2m x 2m x 2m tent?

    I am new as well and I'd only do a handful until you get your bases covered. I'd rather fuck up 2-3 plants as opposed to 7-8.
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    How do you use Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro?

    @Stoned Drifter Thank you! Do you add any calmag or anything else?
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    How do you use Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro?

    @Stoned Drifter Do you still recommend 3ml/gal all the way through with hempy? I use 100% perlite and was having issues with my grow. I was going by label and am using 10ml/gal and while its working my yields are way lower than they should be. This would explain a lot!
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    Why is this thing dying???

    @TwistItUp thanks for clarifying, i was beginning to think it was jesus or buddha fucking with me.
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    Why is this thing dying???

    @rob333 can i spray the peroxide on the plant it self? I couldnt help myself and just replanted with fresh perlite and dumped the water in case it had something funky in it.
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    Why is this thing dying???

    Thanks for all the replies everyone! Im going to digest everything tonight and make adjustments tomorrow (i usually end up trying 3 things at once and really screw things up.) I will definitely be repotting in new perlite and just flush with phd water. I think it may be due to algae or some...
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    Why is this thing dying???

    I was using no fertilizer until the deficiencies started popping up. Why would the leaves develop black spots and die off then? Also, the leaves were very light green in color before nutrients. Not the typical hunter green that they typically have. Not trying to argue, first time for this...
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    Why is this thing dying???

    Planted about 1 week ago and the bottom leaves developed a black spot and then died like 2 days later. AFTER that happened I decided to start giving nutrients and the next set of leaves are dying again. Now the top leaves are developing a small spot again. What could this be? Using 100%...
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    Anyone care to post the nutrient schedule for hempy/aeroponic grows?

    Having trouble dialing in my nutrients with a mars2 led and wanted to see what everyone else is using. Im using dynagro folliage and botanicare calmag plus but still see issues. Im about a month from running out of foliage so Im up for a change if need be.
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    This is a magnesium deficiency right?

    Growing with a MarsHydro2 LED light and hempy buckets. Was feeding 10ml/gallon of dynagro folliage and 3ml of dynagro protect . Was having issues for the last 2 weeks and finally made a switch and started using the following: 6.67ml/gal dynagro folliage 1.67ml/gal dynagro protect 3.33ml/gal...
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    @WazzaX awesome thanks!
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    @WazzaX I did a search to see if you were still using the GH the Flora Gro/Bloom along with cal mag. Is that still the case? Im using dyna gro but am having various issues and want to go with something that is "tried and true". Did you incorporate and other nutrients? Nice looks plants BTW!
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    Check out this on amazon. $10 and seems to do the job. I did get the calibration liquid but all said and done was under $18 Mudder Big Size LCD Display Dual Digital TDS Meter
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    Building in the Attic, any suggestions?

    @justugh I only have the one outlet but that's all I've been using so far. I am only pulling about 400 watts, and will maybe use 550-600 tops with the new space. Im only looking to run during the three seasons so I should be fine with the temperature. Im just going to run 2 6" fans to really...