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  1. GKID69

    Grow #2 White Widow X Skunk :)

    looking Good! :D way bigger then my plant lol. What kind of lights are u using again? im embarrassed for my little 1 now aha Btw Happy new year
  2. GKID69

    Grow #2 White Widow X Skunk :)

    Lol cute. Ur baby looking mighty big for just a week in keep it up ;)
  3. GKID69

    Grow #2 White Widow X Skunk :)

    4 days in :)
  4. GKID69

    what light to use :S

    If ur gonna be using CFLS u better get ones that are at least 35-45 watts and don't buy the ones that say equivalent to 100 watts or whatever get ones that say their actual wattage is above 30 at least
  5. GKID69

    Do i flush before i switch to flower and bloom nutes? When should I switch to 12/12??

    No dude.. Ur plant is always gonna need some N
  6. GKID69

    Do i flush before i switch to flower and bloom nutes? When should I switch to 12/12??

    ... I would only flush a week or 2 before ur about to cut down ur plant. Why else are u trying to flush her????
  7. GKID69

    *ps3 gtav online crew recruitment*

    Ill send u a message in game
  8. GKID69

    *ps3 gtav online crew recruitment*

    yea send me a message with ur name on ps3
  9. GKID69

    Grow #2 White Widow X Skunk :)

    Yup just saw looking nice. Best set to increase ur humidity and temp.
  10. GKID69


    Humidity should be around 45-50 perfect :) temp should be around 70-75 degrees
  11. GKID69


    Lmao that shit made me laugh :clap: Ok so 1st off ur 5 weeks from sprout so ur like really 2 1/2 into veg alrdy or 3 ur gonna want to veg for as long as you want ( how big u want ur plant to be plus how much room u have) (realize once u switch to 12/12 ur plants are likely to double or triple...
  12. GKID69

    Grow #2 White Widow X Skunk :)

    thats funny I have some royal queen special Kush as well lol :) i just felt like planting the white widow :) keep me updated I'll keep this updated for sure :) next time around imma buy some auto flowering seeds to get my yield faster :P
  13. GKID69

    Grow #2 White Widow X Skunk :)

    Last grow was my 1st grew 2 plants one turned out male the other female. This time im growing one plant White Widow x Skunk. It was a free seed so what tha heck lets so what happens. Yielded about 25+ grams my 1st time around dry so hopefully this time around will yield about 35-40 grams...
  14. GKID69

    Should I harvest now?

    thanks bud kiss-ass Baha Jk
  15. GKID69

    Germination techinque

    ITS FASTER GERMINATION RATE when u put it into the water then waiting for it to germinate in the soil... Ive alrdy done so.. One seed put into the soil (Moist soil) it sprouted in a little over a week i would say.. Then the seed dropped into the water. Germinated in 1-2 days sprouted in 3-4...
  16. GKID69

    Problem with my leaves. Pretty sure no bugs.

    all have been LST topped and supercropped. Why the fuck dont u just stick 2 one? Looks ok to me just lay off the nutes for a bit
  17. GKID69

    Germination techinque

    easiest way to germinate. Ive done this plenty of times so far always works. Fill cup with water Put seed into cup After 1 day poke seed down and it will sit at bottom of cup next day u should see a little root popping out. Time to plant Very easy.. Actually 2 easy! lmao
  18. GKID69

    1st Final harvest (Jarred Up) Beautiful

    I know thats odd IMO lol Its Lemon Kush but when i saw some purple in there was like Sweeeet aha :bigjoint:
  19. GKID69

    1st Final harvest (Jarred Up) Beautiful

    thanks man :D took alot of reading and asking questions. Idk if i will run it again i still have 1 seed left its some Lemon Kush. I alrdy germinated some super kush or something like that well c how that turns out :P
  20. GKID69

    1st Final harvest (Jarred Up) Beautiful

    lol i came