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  1. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Awesome, Doer. Thanks for weighing in. You guys have no idea how much it's appreciated to cut through the BS and get solid info like this. Mucho Gracias
  2. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    You'll be proud to know I actually do ignore this crap. That being said, as a newbie to the indoor growing scene, it never hurts to bounce this shit off the people who are in the know. Part of empowering myself with education is getting a direct, educated answer from people like you and Doer. As...
  3. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Yeah, I'm with you guys. I would need some solid evidence as well. Seems like once the plant has shown gender and is already 5 weeks or better into flower, the likelihood of seeing hermies is probably minimal. Wondering if additional light later in flower helps or hurts the flowering process...
  4. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Hey UB, had a thought the other day regarding light schedules during flowering. Have you ever heard of a technique of increasing hours of light during the last half of the flowering process? I've heard of people eliminating light altogether for a period before harvest but I also just ran across...
  5. Rocketman64

    The clone wars

    If you have any type of Willow tree (there's many, many types not just Weeping Willows) take a couple first-year growth cuttings from the tips of the branches. Make sure they're light green and flexible. You don't want anything that already has any kind of bark layer growing. Soak or boil those...
  6. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Not sure what that means about re-creating the wheel? So, in your grow environment, there's no vapor pressure differential? Have you noticed any difference in water usage if the humidity levels vary?
  7. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    That's the nice thing I'm finding out about the wick system, I"ve never had an overwatering problem, they just take what they need. I had to set it up this way so I can leave the plants unattended for days at a time.
  8. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Interesting to me, in my case, I have multiple types of plants all responding in the same manner. As soon as it dries out, they drink and grow like hell. Higher humidity hits, they slow down and don't drink even half as much. The only thing common between all my plants is the way they're...
  9. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    I read an article recently regarding Vapor Pressure Differential (VPD). In a nutshell, the explanation deals with relative humidity conditions in a controlled environment affecting water uptake by plants. The differential value between the average vapor pressure inside the leaf (and on the...
  10. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Definitely a different situation for me. I see your point for sure, the time and money spent to get a male to harvest point is not well invested money or time. My only point was having a male in the batch is not necessarily a total loss. For most commercial growers or anybody growing for money...
  11. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    I've seen the same thing on my outdoor grows, little pop-corn buds at the very bottom of the plant still nice and green just not as mature. My last two indoor grows showed similar results since I don't prune anything indoors either. The indoor pop-corns were green but pretty far behind schedule...
  12. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Ya know, that's interesting, about the males. I have a rather obscure book simply titled, Growing Marijuana by some author that chooses not to use his real name. In that book are some of the most common misnomers about cultivating Cannabis that I've learned to ignore. Something in the book that...
  13. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Oh, BTW Ben, the statement I quoted came from this: How To Improve on Your Harvest: A Complete Guide to Topping, Training and Pruning. Enjoy.
  14. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Well Ben, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks that particular line of thinking was a bit backwards. The more I read the rest of that article the more stuff I find that's not making a lot of sense to me. Doer makes a good point regarding the secondary branching and turgidity and I think...
  15. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Different hormonal responses in plants opens up a discussion that could last for decades. I find that stuff absolutely fascinating. It makes me realize just how little we actually know about processes that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Along those same lines, I have a question for the crowd...
  16. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Thanks for the great read! I live in an area where Alfalfa is grown in abundance for animal feed. I can pick this stuff up cheap and usually very fresh. I'll have to do more reading but I can see already Alfalfa may be worth including in my veg/herb garden this spring. I'll have to take whatever...
  17. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    So far the pvc is holding up okay, doesn't seem to be an issue. I haven't put anything bigger than the 75w in it yet, never needed to. Love the infra red lamp idea, never gave that one a thought, that would certainly do it. Where I live we refer to Cleveland as 'Satan's Playground'. Sorry to...
  18. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Oh, by the way....I'm in Ohio. Currently 4F, just think- 12hrs ago it was 20 degrees colder.
  19. Rocketman64

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Actually, I was prepared for the cold temps in the attic. I didn't do anything different this year then I had in previous years. I've been able to keep my small 2x2x4 space in the 50-60F range with no problem through the winter. But, shit, now we're talking -17F with 30-40mph gusty winds. I was...
  20. Rocketman64

    Killing Fields photo set- Blue/Purple Pheno

    I've enjoyed watching the progression of the colors. This plant was in veg stage for a very long time under some intense training. I finally reached the stage I was waiting for to see how well the training worked. I'm happy with the results, it fits my space perfectly. Hopefully, she'll make a...