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  1. Darth Budder

    World Of Hempy

    Hey stone, my fist post to w hempy thread! I think what Iampa is referencing is that when you water, I believe the original hempy recommend watering heavy, all at once like, so that on the way through the media the water would wash out the "stale" air and pull fresh air down with it due to the...
  2. Darth Budder

    DB's Hempy Perpetual/Breeding experiment

    Okay so two of 4 clones from JB #2 have popped roots out of the peat pellets. I am out of room in my vegbox, so instead of going directly into thier 5 quart hempys i put them in a "Parkay" hempy (Thank you StoneSlacker!) and culled the other two. There was what looked like a little mold fuzz...
  3. Darth Budder

    Its Good To Be Back! My Second Grow.

    Quick update, plant looks great, starting to put on a little weight on the buds. I raised the lights a little,did some LST and a little pruning to even out the canopy and let some air into the center. So far so good finnaly starting to see some resin as well. The plant has a particular smell...
  4. Darth Budder

    1000 Cannabis Questions

    Hey, you never know you could get som sick ass hybrids outta the deal
  5. Darth Budder

    Breeding for beginners

    Right right right, there are how many combos at that point? 2 to the 10th?
  6. Darth Budder

    Breeding for beginners

    It depends on what you want. If you want a true inbreed line, the. It's like mreduck says above, you need to look I to mendals laws, they will show you how. I haven't got that fat. The other way is to clone the plant you like, hit the clone with colloidal silver and use the produced pollen...
  7. Darth Budder

    A tribute to Uncle Ben and the Almighty Leaf

    Then I don't get why you two don't get along. I don't think I've ever heard Ben argue against that method. I think he even mentioned it in one of his posts on this topic. It's like you are arguing that he is saying topping is defoliation and that is stupid. Ben correct me if I am wrong, but...
  8. Darth Budder

    A tribute to Uncle Ben and the Almighty Leaf

    Pardon my noviceness but it sounds like, and looks like, what you are talking about is minimizing the lower foliage to promote larger growth of the remaining bud sites. Isnt this something tomato farmers have been doing for like, ever? It doesnt have anything to do with these guys saying to...
  9. Darth Budder

    A tribute to Uncle Ben and the Almighty Leaf

    Damnit, i had a plant that looked like that last year and had to kill it because of an unexpected roomate....
  10. Darth Budder

    A tribute to Uncle Ben and the Almighty Leaf

    So as an argument against defoilating, here is a clone of a plant that i defoliiated the shit out of. The original plant at this time in flower was covered in nanners and this clone, this exact plant grown under the exact lights in the exact room, hasnt. Even though i trained the hell out of...
  11. Darth Budder

    Breeding for beginners

    From what i've been reading, its all about selection over time. Just keep breeding, and selecting the best to breed with and you'll get yourself a killer plant. Once you have what you like, learn how to stabilize it. Check this out, free books from google play: Home vegetable gardening: a...
  12. Darth Budder

    DB's Hempy Perpetual/Breeding experiment

    The recirculating res thing is kind of intriguing, but i really trying to avoid moving parts. Comes from my IT days, more moving parts = more broken shit. They actually have a line designed for RO, but its for Orchids so its a 12-3-15, or 4-1-5 ratio which i am not sure is appropriate for...
  13. Darth Budder

    DB's Hempy Perpetual/Breeding experiment

    Well that is actually the beauty of Jacks, according to the literature its heavily buffered to turn out a ph between 6 and 6.5, so there really shouldn't be an issue. My water MIGHT be a bit alkaline for it though, if it is I've been considering a counter top RO or Distiller, but i honestly...
  14. Darth Budder

    1000 Cannabis Questions

    Have you seen any staminate (nanners) at all anywhere? Check under your buds at the stems, thats where i found them first on mine. If not, pollen will travel very very far. You could have some hemp growing in a field miles away. Bees prefer flowers close to home, but will travel up to 5...
  15. Darth Budder

    DB's Hempy Perpetual/Breeding experiment

    I would like to do a side by side too, but more interested in selective breeding right now. I have been wanting to go hempy since i started learning about growing. The first journal I read was 420fied's (Now KoolKat) Blue Planet 2l Hempy SOG. I was hooked from that moment on. All the benefits...
  16. Darth Budder

    DB's Hempy Perpetual/Breeding experiment

    The two part hydroponic Jacks Hydroponic 15-12-26 + Jacks Calcium Nitrate 15-0-0 DB
  17. Darth Budder

    DB's Hempy Perpetual/Breeding experiment

    So the little guys in the buckets looked SUPER hungry. I gave them each 4 cups of a 1/2 feed solution of the jacks (1/2 tsp Calcium Nitrate + 1/2 tsp Jacks Hydroponic). So far it seems like the media dries out just a quickly as my soil, so so far so good with the perlite/vermiculte mix. It...
  18. Darth Budder

    DB's Hempy Perpetual/Breeding experiment

    So i dont plan on doing any of the PH, PPM, Flushing or any of that other stuff that goes with hydro if i can avoid it. Hempy is supposed to be an ultra simplistic growing system, so meters and all that crap just blow it for me. WIth the Jacks, they tell you what the PPM will be if you mix...
  19. Darth Budder

    Anyone know what is going on?

    P Def maybe?
  20. Darth Budder

    7th Grow: Hempy Bucket w/auto watering

    Good work Dave, super green and healthy keep it up.