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  1. Darth Budder

    Under part of leaves are purple!! Pics!

    I THINK that is just the plant. I've seen pics of real good genetics with that color, but never seen it in my garden. Do you have cool temps?
  2. Darth Budder

    this years grow..24 oz cans..back to 16 oz cans

    Lets see the ladies before harvest!
  3. Darth Budder

    Stoneslacker's new 250w micro hempy scrog Blueberry, Blackjack and Permafrost

    Perfect example of mainlining as I've read on it stone, great work. Db
  4. Darth Budder

    Chipper's 3 Plant for 3 Pound Hempy Grow

    Crazy shit man! Did you say 9 square meters? Impressive.
  5. Darth Budder

    Its Good To Be Back! My Second Grow.

    That is the goal. I am dialing in with cheap stuff, bagseed and the last of my white label double gum. My first hemp run will be clones of this "JB" bagseed and the clones from my mommy indica. Assuming that all goes well, I'll cull all but the best male and female JB, buy some sannies blue...
  6. Darth Budder

    Serious Question.

    Well man, its all risk reward isn't it? For me, where I am, the laws are limited. But If I was say in Nevada where I HEAR they have zero tolerance, I wouldn't. Can you keep your mouth shut? The weed you grow to yourself? Do you own your home? If you have no reason to feel you will be...
  7. Darth Budder

    Acidic pH soil runoff

    I had the same problem. I had a year old bag of happy frog that was sitting in my attic. I used it on my grow and got the same results as you, with lock out of ca mg and mutant leaves. I top dressed with 2tsp of dolomite per pot and waterd with 1tbsp per gallon of water ever other water for 2...
  8. Darth Budder

    Its Good To Be Back! My Second Grow.

    Hi all, no pics yet but wanted to post an update before i forget all that has been done: First and foremost, Indica 1 is hanging in the dry box. After 24hrs of dark, i cut her about 4 inches from the last budded node, chopped all the fan leaves and any large sugar leaves i could see in the...
  9. Darth Budder

    Second grow! Still a noob! Come one, come all :)

    FREEEK, RUN, HIDE! lol that really sucks
  10. Darth Budder

    Its Good To Be Back! My Second Grow.

    Hey Jeff, So i think indica is the right way to go for night time, a strong one. I don't know what it will do for the FB/NT, but to get to sleep it would be pure indica with high CBT. Look into the medical strains that have been engineered for CBT as apposed to THC for sleep/pain. If your...
  11. Darth Budder

    were are the theattitudeseedbank growers

    Yeah im finishin up my WLDG seeds. Def. not worth it. out of 20 i got like 7 plants, and of those 3 male. I had to kill my first 2 without a harvest, these two finishin up will be the last. Going Sannies Blue Rocket next. dB
  12. Darth Budder

    Better Clone Leaf Trim Technique

    That i might have to try, I always mangle my clones and i loose a lot. Bet less cutting = less stress = better clone. Seems like it would anyway, but i dont know anything about no transpiration. I'm no green thumb. DB
  13. Darth Budder

    The HOG Grow Journal

    This grow is using BPN synthetic yes? how are you mixing it?
  14. Darth Budder

    The HOG Grow Journal

    Looks fuckin great dude.
  15. Darth Budder

    New Guy Needs Guidance on CFL Lighting

    ninja, come on, don't tell me you haven't seen the guys that do everything to discourage a guy from growin with anything but soil hps and mh. And the guys that's to the cfl forum and post 'you'll never get it to flower, you need hps.' It's ver discouraging . ps. Ninj, I've seen you around...
  16. Darth Budder

    New Guy Needs Guidance on CFL Lighting

    So, first, your gonna get a lot of folks that tell you it's stupid or impossible to grow with CFls. Don't listen, do what you can afford and what you are comfortable with. You are growing for you, not customers and not to folks on riu. I have grown and flowered I. All cfl, and not nearly the...
  17. Darth Budder

    Its Good To Be Back! My Second Grow.

    I know, I know.. It is probably still too early, but indica 1 has the misfortune of both looking gorgeous and looking closest to done, and I want to have some of my own smoke for vacation. So today I put it in my dry box, I'll give it 24hrs of dark and tomorrow at 5pm ill chop it and hang it! I...
  18. Darth Budder

    Newb to the world of growing!

    I know Everton says start with good genes. But I would say plant some bagseed if you got it dude, make your first grow mistakes on it and don't waste your first set of genetics ;) db
  19. Darth Budder

    New Guy Needs Guidance on CFL Lighting

    I hear some folks sterilize their dug up soil in the oven. It stinks, but it works. But, I think you also kill the beneficial bacteria as well which helps the plants take up nutes. I wouldn't use my yard soil, I know for a fact it's filled with grubs. In a pinch we have a yard waste...
  20. Darth Budder

    New Guy Needs Guidance on CFL Lighting

    So if you can't get perlite before you pot then just throw a bunch of pebbles, like 1/4 to half an inch depending on how big a pot you are working with, on the bottom of the pots to help with aeration and don't soft out the little pebbles you dig up if there are any. The soil I am using for moms...