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    Cutting a hole to another room without damaging electrical wiring?

    I need to cut a 6" x 6" hole in the drywall in order to vent my room. I've never done this before - How do I avoid cutting a hole and damaging the electrical wiring (and perhaps plumbing, gas lines, and central A/C ventilation?) Thanks!
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    Using Powerful Fluorescents in Veg

    Here are the very high output fluorescents that WTF uses in his stinkbud journal (both vegging and cloning) Compared to a 400w MH that puts out say 38,000 lumens, it doesn't seem that great. BUT, the fluorescents can be much closer to the...
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    What size fan for my room?

    The only guide I know of is this one: I'm concerned now because it sounds like it was made for a 4" fan, and I'm not sure how to adapt it for my purposes (though I might when I go to home depot)
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    What size fan for my room?

    Thanks! Yes they are 8' ceilings. I will probably buy a filter then (unless anyone knows a guide for making a carbon filter good enough for my size room?)
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    What size fan for my room?

    Hey guys I have a 12'x 12' room and am trying to figure out how big my fan needs to be. I'll be making a DIY carbon filter to use with this (I'm not the best handyman so hopefully I can figure it out!) From my little understanding of filters, I'll need a 8" most likely, right? How many CFM's...
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    Are these ebay PH meters good? Very inexpensive compared to a lot of other ph meters.. anyone us them? What are some other good digital ph meters that aren't too expensive?
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    Landlord does smoke alarm checks! what to do?

    No holes were cut in the wall. I have the lease agreement in front of me and they made me sign next to an addendum that said I will not manufacture, possess, or distribute any controlled substances as defined by section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act ((21 U.S.C 802). They're quoting...
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    Landlord does smoke alarm checks! what to do?

    My property management company says they do checks on the smoke alarm every 4-6 months! 24 hours is given per california law. My smoke alarm is in the living room of my apartment and there are no other smoke alarms. I know I can tell this to the agent that checks the alarm, but if they try to...
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    Euro vs Cool Tube reflector

    Does anyone like one better than the other? Here are both options: Euro Cool tube...
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    Dr. Greenthumb

    Has anyone brought from this seedbank?
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    How to mount on the ceiling?

    I have a standard 8 foot ceiling with that stucco stuff covering it. I'm not too familiar with mounting lights - how do I do this? Thanks
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    CAP timer problems?

    I heard that a lot of people are having issues with this timer, which is too bad because its the most inexpensive one i could find does does 1/4 on/off. Are they known to be pretty unreliable?
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    Stability issues when screentraining on a hydro setup?

    Hi, All the screen training pictures I've seen show the plant rooted in soil. Does stability become a problem with hydro/aero setups?
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    Looking for a "green" accountant

    Hi, I am planning on growing for my coops (legal in So Cal) and need to keep with an accountant that deals with collectives and coops. Can anyone recommend a good accountant?
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    Do you vent every light, or the room as a whole?

    Seeing some of those hoods with 2 ports for cooling and exhaust makes me wonder how those growers vent multiple hoods without tons of tubing and multiple exhaust ports in their room. Is is ok to just vent the whole room? I know this would mean getting rid of a lot more air, but on the plus side...
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    Is OG Kush hard to grow?Is OG Kush hard to grow?

    Those of you in So Cal I'm sure know about this strain... a friend of mine went to a conference today and one of the experienced growers there mentioned OG Kush goes for a high dollar because it is harder/more time consuming to get it from the clone stage to ready for flowering... for vegetative...
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    Does CO2 cover up the weed smell?

    My friend went to one of those marijuana seminars (there are quite a few of them in cali) Apparently Stickbud was there, and he was saying that running CO2 will actually mask the weed smell of the grow room. He analogized it to running around with an oxygen mask on. Stinkbud said that if you...
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    Box Fan or Osciallating Fan?

    What do you mean by the oscillating fans having a ridic base?
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    Box Fan or Osciallating Fan?

    Which fans are better for keeping a grow room cool? Box fans are bigger and use less electricity, but oscillating fans cover more area.
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    24/0 vs 18/6 in the vegetative cycle

    Does a 24/0 cycle really produce larger plants in less time, or is it overkill? What do you guys prefer?