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  1. D

    Are light movers noisy?

    I'm planning on getting something like this: For you guys that have light movers, what kind of noises do they emit?
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    Chance of customs opening package?

    For you guys who have ordered a lot, what do you think? 10%? 50%?
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    Is topping pointless/harmful?

    This guy makes a case for not topping, saying it just subtracts from the plants without any benefit:
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    Do Vegetative plants have a strong smell?

    Just wondering if vegetative plants have a strong smell like I'm sure the flowering plants do? Or is that strong weed smell just from after they start flowering?
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    How to get air from a winodw without a light leak?

    I'm trying to figure out how to cover the window in my room without leaking light (or allowing snooping eyes to look in) What do you guys think would be good for this? My friend said drapes would be good because they wouldn't look suspicious, but I think they could leak light along the sides.
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    Maximum Yields - tie downs or screen training?

    I want to get the best yields I can from my plants. Do you guys think tie downs and screen training work equally well (indoor aeroponic setup)? Or does one work better than the other?
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    How to automate lighting cycles?

    I am not aware of any cycle timers that are adjustable in hourly increments. Are these timers available? If not how else Can I automate an 18/6 light cycle?
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    What separates an average grower from a great grower?

    Hi, Just curious what separates an averages grower from a great grower (in terms of yields on the same strains) Is it mostly A good setup? IE using HID lighting instead of fluorescent, good aero/hydro setups, C02, light movers, etc? Or better micromanaging? Pruning...
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    What is the best Big Bud spinoff?

    Hi, I heard that Critical Mass was a sweeter tasting spinoff of Big Bud but just as high yields. Only problem is I can't find feminized seeds of it. Do you guys like and other good Big Bug spin-offs?
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    Do clones of clones get weaker?

    I have read that clones of clones do get weaker, and then I have read it was a myth and they do not. What do you guys say?
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    Do you need to completely separate the veg/flower area?

    Question: Do I need to completely wall off the veg and flower areas from each other because of light issues? Or is a little extra light from the Veg side to the flowering side ok? I don't mind walling them off to completely seperate them, but I don't know how I'll deal with exhaust
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    6 in 1 pH PPM Temp meter (Should I get this?) It seems like a good deal, what do you guys think?
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    Best place to buy seeds?

    Hi All, I am looking to buy some good feminized seeds that yield well, where is a good reliable and cheap source? Thanks
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    Is 10 seeds enough?

    Hi All, I got my grow book in the mail and am ready to jump on it and start my own grow. I'm ready to start ordering seeds, but I'm wondering if 10 is enough? I have enough licenses to grow 18 plants right now and plan to expand to 24-30. I know these plants can be cloned, but I'm sure if the...
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    Best Commercial Strain

    What would you guys pick as the strain that produces the highest yields for the best price? I have heard Big bud produces a lot but never hear of the quality.
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    Most populat strains

    Hey guys, I've never taken MJ seriously until recently (starting my own grow) I will be selling to a local dispensary, so I want to know what the most popular strains are. What do you guys think?
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    Electricity costs for a 30-90 plant grow?

    Thanks you helped me understand this very well. It looks like 30 plants is about the limit then (even those figures could pose a problem)
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    Electricity costs for a 30-90 plant grow?

    Hi all, I’m interested in starting my own grow, but nervous about the electricity issue. I’m in CA and plan to do everything legally, but I hear that once the cops target your place, they’ll go in, seize everything, and throw you and sometimes the landlord in jail. I’m sure you get out after...