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  1. rap89431

    What do all you weed nerds use to prevent bud-worms?

    Got them bad this year. Safer says to spray BT in evening as the sunlight kills the bacteria. Cloudy days are good also. Using Spinosad too, not sure if sunlight effects their lifecycle.
  2. rap89431

    3 and 4 star leave

    Some of my Sour Diesel are producing fan leaves with only 3 and 4 leaves on them. Does any body know what causes this? Thanks
  3. rap89431

    Soil PH problem

    New pics...
  4. rap89431

    Soil PH problem

    I just put in a pic of the blue cheese that looks like it has lockout.
  5. rap89431

    Soil PH problem

    I will go take some now, Thanks
  6. rap89431

    Soil PH problem

    My soil is at 7 PH. Plants are suffering. Anybody know how to get PH down quickly and keep it down. I have oyster shell in already, Just hasn't had time to balance out yet. I have very hard water too. Thanks
  7. rap89431

    Need Some Help, PLEASE?

    Hello I am back again for another year in this crazy game of farming. I am noticing some signs that I have not dealt with before. I moved and am growing in a new spot with new enviroment and new well. I have noticed that my girls are not very vibrant and that may be due to overwatering during...
  8. rap89431

    Sour D and G/C Pics

    COULD HAVE NOT DONE IT WITHOUT YOU....well maybe. Thanks to all who relplied to my posts.
  9. rap89431

    Sour D and G/C Pics

    ......a picture is worth a thousand words!!!!!!!
  10. rap89431

    Sour D and G/C Pics

    I love this BUD. I can't wait to smoke it.:-P:clap:
  11. rap89431

    Sour D and G/C Pics

    I did not prune or top or anything. Just wanted to see what would happen. I am very happy. they turned out awesome. I was late in putting them in the bags too. they went in on June 21 and were about three weeks old. Crazy growth in 6 weeks. Used compost tea this year.
  12. rap89431

    Sour D and G/C Pics

    These are 100 gallon. Used 65 gallon last year and got about a lb per plant. 2+ this year. I am not sure 200 is going to be any advantage, cost to much for soil and nutes. I think 100 is the way to go. Thanks for checking these out. I am putting the last of the diesel in the room today before...
  13. rap89431

    Sour D and G/C Pics

    Going to start harvest today on GC..........Ye Hah!!!!
  14. rap89431

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    FDD i know you are busy, but was thinking of havesting some of these tomorrow. Can I ? CG ...GC.................... Cheese
  15. rap89431

    Rained last night...1 week from harvest

    Good idea...except i don't have enough paper towels or bags
  16. rap89431

    Rained last night...1 week from harvest

    I got out and shook everything off and hit them with the leaf blower to dry them off. Some buds are still holding water and the sun is out and at 72 f. Humidity is 60%. I am worried about mold and was wondering if I should spray with sulfur. Is this a good idea and how much per gallon do I...
  17. rap89431

    Drying help...

    The room temp flucutates between 80 in the day and 50 at night and the humidity get between 45 in day and 65 at night. is it ok to have your humidity higher than you temp? Every thing seems to be going Ok but wanted to know what the golden zone range if for larger amounts. Thanks
  18. rap89431

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I totally agree. I don't think I ever seen one that pruple. What is the strain?
  19. rap89431

    Sour D and G/C Pics

    Update: DRY Room ready I want to harvest 10-10-10 Had a few braches give up already. The green crack is a tough strain, but tastes so sweet. smells like grape bubblegum..........
  20. rap89431

    will this get me busted?

    Thats awsome! Where do I send my $$$. LMAO